Lynette Louise


“Seeking the Leadership Path” with guest Walt Grassl

Willing To Be Uncomfortable – Terrifically shy but certain that he wanted to make a difference in the world, Walt Grassl talks to us about choosing to get over his stage fright at age fifty and the Leadership that can be found in being uncomfortable in front of an audience.

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Guest Bio: Walt Grassl, at the age of 50, chose to face his fear of stage fright. It was not easy. He joined Toastmasters, but that alone did not cure him of this “disease.” He attended speaking boot camps, competed in Toastmasters speech contests, studied improv and stand-up comedy. Walt has performed stand up comedy at the Hollywood Improv and the Flamingo in Las Vegas. He has performed in improv and sketch comedy shows put on by Held2gether, in Long Beach CA. He recently retired at 55 from a career in aerospace, and is now the host of the internet radio show, “Stand Up and Speak Up.” Learn with Walt and visit his website here:

This Virtual Leadership Summit asks several International Leaders their definition of Leadership and Success. Lynette Louise aka The Brain Broad facilitates the discussion and gathers advice from around the globe.


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