Lynette Louise


“Seeking The Leadership Path” with guest Mak Jawadekar

Keep the Focus In Play – Great Leadership means keeping everyone on your team focused on the goal. Mak Jawadekar, PhD – formerly a Director, Portfolio Management & Analytics, Pfizer Inc – shares how he successfully Leads his teams while relying on experts.

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Guest Bio: Dr. Mak Jawadekar was formerly a Director, Portfolio Management & Analytics, Pfizer Inc, and Vice President of Asia CR Group at Pfizer Global R & D at Groton-New London, CT. In the recent past, he was responsible for Benchmarking R & D Portfolio for Pfizer, working with Benchmarking Forums (CMR/KMR), Drug Delivery Technology Assessment function involving external ‘Drug Delivery’ technologies. He has extensive experience in creating and cultivating external partnerships and alliances for drug delivery technologies for Pfizer Global R & D. He began his professional career at Pfizer Central Research in early 1982, after having completed his Ph.D. in Pharmaceutics at the University of Minnesota. He serves on the prestigious global “Judging Panel”/ Executive Review Board instituted by IBC/ Informa Pharma Group for their Annual Pharmaceutical Annual Achievement Awards, as well as European Outsourcing Awards by Via-Media Ltd, where CMOs, CROs from all over the globe participate. Connect with Makarand on LinkedIn:
This Virtual Leadership Summit asks several International Leaders their definition of Leadership and Success. Lynette Louise aka The Brain Broad facilitates the discussion and gathers advice from around the globe.


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