Lynette Louise


“Seeking The Leadership Path” with guest The Brain Broad

Forward Motion and Congruence – Lynette Louise (aka The Brain Broad) takes a thoughtful and important moment to share her own definitions of Leadership and Success. Your brain, your business, and your life will thank you.

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Guest Bio: Lynette Louise aka The Brain Broad is an international mental health expert. She is a speaker, author, performer, popular podcast host, neurofeedback & autism expert, and creator/host/therapist for the international docu-series series FIX IT IN FIVE with LYNETTE LOUISE aka THE BRAIN BROAD, now showing on The Autism Channel. Her one woman show, Crazy to Sane, about mental health and abuse, invites laughter, learning, and toe tapping fun globally FREE every year in April (Autism Awareness Month and Sexual Assault Awareness Month). She is also the single mother of eight now grown children; Six were adopted and four were on the autism spectrum. Only one of her sons retains his label and remains dependent. She hosts the popular podcast A New Spin on Autism: Answers! and her latest radio show, The Brain Broad Builds a Brain, highlights challenges such as sleep disorders, schizophrenia, Parkinson’s, depression, brain tumors, autism, ADHD, Dyslexia, and more. It’s a fun way to talk brain science for folks who are hoping to have a hand in healing themselves. Her recent book The Seven Senses of Leadership: The Brain Broad’s Guide to Leadership Sensibilities has been a bestseller on Amazon and is gaining impressive reviews! She is one of the four speakers to present at the upcoming Leadership Summit – Albany Nov. 10-11 2016. Go ahead and give your brain a gift by visiting her websites: More about autism and neurofeedback:

This Virtual Leadership Summit asks several International Leaders their definition of Leadership and Success. Lynette Louise aka The Brain Broad facilitates the discussion and gathers advice from around the globe.


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