Lynette Louise


“Seeking The Leadership Path” with Ken Krell

We’re Always Selling – Influencers are purposeful and keep this selling in mind. Ken Krell has trained real estate investors and entrepreneurs for 30 years. In this video he offers a brilliant rubber band analogy to help us have fun in our Leadership role while knowing when to “snap” back to our purpose.

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Guest Bio: Ken Krell has trained real estate investors and entrepreneurs for 30 years or so throughout North America, and had a blast doing it! Ken is the founder and creative force behind “SiteWrap™ the remarkable software that helps bloggers, podcasters, and all online marketers keep people on their websites longer so they can build big lists and sell more stuff. You can learn more about him and his amazing software at

This Virtual Leadership Summit asks several International Leaders their definition of Leadership and Success. Lynette Louise aka The Brain Broad facilitates the discussion and gathers advice from around the globe.


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