Lynette Louise


Some Benefits of Being a Comfortable Introvert

It’s the time of year when many of us will be spending holidays with family and friends. For some of our more introverted family members this can be a bit of a challenge. I’ll admit that there are a few deficits to being overly introverted, nothing that can’t be helped with motivation and a little work. But for now, so that my comfortably introverted friends can enjoy the holiday armed with some specific benefits – you know, for those family members who love to taunt or tease – I’m going to focus only on the perks.

So don’t be shy! Have a peek at your perks:

1. Introverts are generally more efficient people and have the benefit of getting more work done since their need to socialize is lessened by their personality type. This, however, is offset by worry when they are introverted for reasons related to low self esteem or fear. So please, take the time to discover why you’re introverted or shy. Comfortable introverts are authentic to who they are, not afraid or unsure of who they are. (Please reach out to me if you’d like help in this area.)

2. Comfortable introverts are less needy for relationships and as such are able to be more discerning and, some would say ironically, are often more revered due to their aloof nature. (When a person is aloof others do not need to defend against their desperation and they end up attracted.)

3. They also tend to suffer less in the loneliness arena and are well fed emotionally by pets, chatting with folks in their neighborhood, and volunteer positions.

4. Additionally, the lack of need to be constantly social reduces costs in many areas like competitive dressing, one upping with cars and homes, and money dropped in search of connection via bars and dating services. They tend to invest with care and have a lessened need to get agreement from others on these choices. They also prepare for retirement more carefully as they conceive of being alone without fear.

5. All of these traits lead to some interesting benefits emotionally, financially and even physically since a hike, bike ride or treadmill adventure easily entertains and invites satisfaction. The lack of stress related to connecting with others causes a cascade of beneficial hormones as long as the introvert finds some connection somewhere (animals are often sufficient).

Enjoy your time with family, dear introverts! Allow yourself to step away when needed, armed with the understanding that it is completely fine to celebrate your introverted self.


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