Lynette Louise


Gossip… Pass it on!

Today two of my daughters and I were sitting on the kitchen counter (because conversation is so much better there and besides its closer to the senseo which requires proximity because you have to make the coffee one cup at a time)and chatting about various places we’d worked and what a relief it is to no longer have to take care of other people’s egos. We went on and on about how comforting it is be working together. It was quite a lively little gabfest. You see, in my home – unlike many others I’ve been to – there is no sensitivity to jokes and comments (that doesn’t mean all my kids are thusly blessed just the ones who are willing to still live with or near me) nor duplicity, no angst, no arguing, no gossip or two facedness. We get along. It’s all very SMOOTH! And we enjoy talking about how great that is. We went over and over again our blessings and family pride, we bragged and complimented ourselves. We were happy to be comfortably confident. So much so that it wasn’t till we all dispersed and I sat down to blog that I realized we’d used comparing ourselves to the failings of others to appreciate the successes in us. Apparently we’d been gossiping about how other people gossip and priding ourselves on not. Oh well at least we weren’t judging them.


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