So I finally stopped talking long enough to write…. Actually that’s a lie. Truth is I couldn’t stop writing long enough to write … I’m kind of a writing addict… so since at present I’m trying to wean myself away from constantly writing and rewriting my one woman show before it grows too long to be a mini series (one reviewer even suggested I shorten it – imagine the nerve – instead I made it funnier… so much so that it grew an extra ten minutes… but I figger if the audience is already sitting three hours what’s an extra ten minutes… especially if its funnier… fortunately the audiences seem to agree… but even I know that if the show doesn’t stop stretching – I may have to adopt the whole lot of them) that’s why I’ve decided to blog a little… I’ve already adopted… children that turned out to be my audience (don’t think about it I just like to talk like that). I expect – for me – blogging will be sort of like a writers patch or writers gum or a pacifier for my writing hand to twiddle – so if you don’t feel like reading it no problem I don’t plan on saying anything… just easing into the process… its all about the writing to write part of breaking the writers habit… I should be doing it for an entry or two… till the next project grabs me by the typing finger so it can spin out of my head and into the computer… Writing is fun. Writing about my life is even more fun. I think that’s why most people blog. But since I mostly write about my life anyway blogging has no edge over projects … especially since projects pay… occasionally… and can end… as long as you’re willing to stop… and end them. Thing is writing autobiographically makes endings a challenge… but writing autobiographically makes so much sense for me because people are motivated by my life … and since I’m still trying to figure out why that is, I like to share… so I can hear myself and maybe come to a deeper understanding. Problem is publishers all know what part of my life they want to hear… and its seldom the same part I want to tell… because they want me to write the story of getting and raising all those special kids – while my kids want me not to – my kids have more pull – with me. So I kind of half satisfy us all and write about me… while I was raising them… since writing about me is writing about them some of the stories seep in. Speaking of stories I just thought of a good… one for my… maybe I’ll just work on my show some more… hmmm… I wonder if there’s such thing as ‘one woman show writers anonymous’?