Lynette Louise


Family Time

A house full of love: I am lucky since becoming a mother I have always had a house full of love. Sometimes though it’s depressing because on occasion my house full of love lives without me. I travel to and from the various other houses full of love around the world while mine rocks on in my absence.

Understand I am not complaining I have a great life I am appreciated and adored. Everyone helps me to accomplish my goals and my goals are lofty: I want to reach out and make every house a house full of love. Maybe though I want to accomplish all that so I can feel justified when I choose to ignore others and stay home to drink the joy in mine.

I have often heard working fathers complain that they make all the money while their wives and children spend it and sometimes I want to yell DITTO! Not because others spend it but because they spend it in a way that allows them time together. And I want the time I see slipping away. Each time I get home travel worn and sleepy I smile as everyone laughs at my complaints and reminds me that I am self-employed. Today was one such day. A couple cups of coffee and several snuggles later I chose differently.

So if you want to book me for anything I’m pulling out the credit cards and hanging in fun locations with my own family. AKA unavailable all December.

Friday, October 3, 2008


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