Make-a-Wish & Make it Happen – with hard work, integrity and heart Frank Shankwitz has truly been making wishes happen. Not only as creator of the Make-a-Wish Foundation but also as a renowned keynote speaker, subject of an upcoming film, and a retired police officer who finds his Leadership success by rolling up his sleeves and offering help to folks he meets.
Learn and network with influential Leaders at the Albany Leadership Summit:
Purchase your copy of The Seven Senses of Leadership:
Guest Bio: Frank’s amazing and inspirational story about how one 7-year old boy changed his life and the lives of over a million people around the world. The story may make you a little misty-eyed, but you will leave feeling good about people and will want to “give back” to your own community. Frank’s message: Pay attention! Every day is an opportunity to change a life. For over 33 years, Frank has been a keynote speaker for the Make-A-Wish Foundation’s fund raising events around the United States, in addition to Guam, Siapan, and Tinian. ( #1 Keynote Speaker 2016) Learn more about Frank (and the upcoming film) here:
This Virtual Leadership Summit asks several International Leaders their definition of Leadership and Success. Lynette Louise aka The Brain Broad facilitates the discussion and gathers advice from around the globe.