Lynette Louise


“Seeking The Leadership Path” with guest Tony Scruggs (aka The Empathy Guy)

Compassionate Leadership – The Empathy Guy, Tony Scruggs, examples the power of empathy and compassion in Leadership. His definition of Leadership (spoiler alert!) encompasses that compassion: “Initiate Greatness with Inspired Guidance.”

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Guest Bio: Describing himself as a spiritual-being experiencing life as an American of African-Ancestry with an athletically-professional pedigree, Tony Scruggs is a paradigm maker and transformational speaker incorporating restorative justice & social change with personal power & nonviolent communication (NVC). Tony is a compassion coach, a human variation specialist (whose empathy training includes time in India with the Gandhi family) and once upon a time he played major league baseball for the President of the United States. To learn more about Tony (while having fun!) visit his fantastic website:

This Virtual Leadership Summit asks several International Leaders their definition of Leadership and Success. Lynette Louise aka The Brain Broad facilitates the discussion and gathers advice from around the globe.


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