Lynette Louise



Important to know: My grand kids call me Dramma!

Now the update: I did my post peel appointment with Dr. Buff and Puff. He took my pictures, placed them next to the pre peel pictures and we looked at the before and after so that I might know how I should feel about the whole thing. There it was, absolute, undeniable evidence. I now looked at least five years older than before the poverty inducing peel of plenty. oops!

Be careful what you wish for… you just might get its opposite!

There is no happy ending here so I thought I’d seek a lesson… thinking… thinking… thinking … still… thinking…. aha! I’ll cover all the mirrors in the house and start wearing makeup… oops I’ll have to look in the mirror for that… thinking… thinking… thinking … aha!

I’ll just stop chasing a more youthful appearance and settle for getting even the kids I work with to call me Dramma (tic)?…hmmm… thinking… thinking… thinking …

Or I could try the ultra awesome age correcting ultrasound peel he promised to give me half off on????


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