Lynette Louise


How to be a Village for an Autism mom this Mother’s Day– Lynette Louise of Brain and Body offers these simple tips

Simi Valley, CA Immediate Release: Autism expert Lynette Louise of Brain and Body agrees that every mom deserves to be pampered and recognized on Mother’s Day. For parenting partners and kids this is a great opportunity to prove that you appreciate the lengths mom goes to every day, by helping out for one! Unfortunately, moms of autism often get less pampered because families and friends aren’t sure what to do.
Global mental health expert, and more importantly, autism mom and individual Lynette Louise aka The Brain Broad, would love to offer some simple suggestions!

Neighbors and Strangers:

#1 Think ‘Isn’t that child beautiful!?’

#2 Think ‘Isn’t that mom awesome!?’

#3 Think ‘How can I help?’

#4 Don’t think. Act! Open a door, push a cart, carry a bag, smile!

In-Laws and Extended Relatives:

Hire a cleaning lady that uses all natural products and send her to clean up the mess after Mother’s Day.


Engage in your special sib’s favorite game of repetitive behavior for at least an hour, and laugh a lot!

Parenting Partner:

Do ALL the child rearing for the day and then both of you go out to supper. (If the in-laws don’t do their job, hire a maid to clean-up the mess. If you can’t afford one, involve all the kids and do it yourselves.)

Best Friend:

Take her and her special child out while the house gets cleaned.


Relax and trust your friends and family to do it all! You deserve a day!

Some of these tips and tricks (ie think wonderfully, smile and play favorite game with special sib) will make everyone feel more comfortable every day of the year. Surprisingly they also have the ability to help guide your children in skill acquisition and social comfort. Let Mother’s Day be an excuse to begin making those simple, brain changing adjustments! According to Lynette, “Sooner is better than later, though later is MUCH better than not at all.”


Lynette Louise aka The Brain Broad is an international mental health and parenting expert, specializing in autism. She is a speaker, author, performer, popular podcast host, neurofeedback & autism expert, and creator/host/therapist for the international reality series FIX IT IN FIVE with LYNETTE LOUISE aka THE BRAIN BROAD, now showing on The Autism Channel. Her one woman show, Crazy to Sane, about mental health and abuse, invites laughter, learning, and toe tapping fun globally FREE every year in April (Autism Awareness Month). She is also the single mother of eight now grown children; Six were adopted and four were on the autism spectrum. Only one of her sons retains his label and remains dependent. Her latest radio show, The Brain Broad Builds a Brain, highlights challenges such as sleep disorders, Parkinson’s, depression, brain tumors, autism, ADHD, Dyslexia, and more. It’s a fun way to talk brain science for folks who are hoping to have a hand in healing themselves.
Contact Lynette Louise aka THE BRAIN BROAD: Doubly Board Certified in Neurofeedback and working on her PhD in Psychology with a specialty in Psychophysiology at Saybrook University EMAIL: PHONE: 713-213-7682


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