Category Archives: Press Releases

New Memoir Examines the Paths that Lead a California Woman to a Diagnosis of Dissociative Identity Disorder

Fallbrook CA, May 2024 -This month Robert D Reed publishing will be releasing the book In Search of Teressa: A Journey into the Mind of a Woman with Many Personalities, written by renowned author and neuroplastician Lynette Louise, aka “The Brain Broad.” It is Lynette’s eighth published book and her second book published with Robert D Reed.

It is her first written through the lens of someone else’s life and memories.

The book was written at the request of Teressa, a woman who has been diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder (known colloquially as multiple personalities) and who has spent much of her lifetime searching for the answer to a self-proposed question: “Whose fault am I?”

With The Brain Broad’s penchant for scientific seeking via outlier thinking and poetic prose, the exploration of this question is at once academic and wondrous.

The book contains two parts. 

Part one is written directly from Teressa’s own memories and version of things. The story unfolds in the fashion of fiction. The reader dives in and is introduced to the unreliable power of memory and its significant role in the creation of who we become. Memory issues plague Teressa from her early childhood onward, and she suffers from a variety of physical ailments stemming from unexplained sources. However, it is not until her adult years, as a wife and mother, that she is diagnosed with DID. Nature vs nurture is on display as Teressa’s brain function is influenced by malnutrition, abuse, religion, retreats, and a love story that takes such careful care of her it becomes unhealthy. 

The second part of the book brings the author’s voice and observations to the forefront. As an international brain and behavior expert, Lynette Louise is experienced and thoughtful. She is there to write Teressa’s book, but also to help Teressa better understand herself and to take some control of her own healing. Living with her adult autistic son, Dar, Lynette stays in the apartment above Teressa’s garage. Interviewing family, friends, and counselors, while sifting through documents, medical records, letters, and thousands of journal pages, the ways in which Teressa and her “alters” (alternate personalities) grew to be who they were by the time of Lynette’s introduction is teased out. Instructively, but also painfully, the ways in which professionals were potentially culpable in the deteriorating of Teressa’s mental health beg to be recognized.  

Following clues, experimenting with kindness, keeping an open mind, these are at the heart of both science and art. This book utilizes these tools and engages readers because of it.

It is further uniquely explored because the author herself has a history that is similar to Teressa’s. Both her family life as well as flirting with similar diagnoses, in her youth. However, the two women ultimately ended up with very different minds. 

“I want readers to come away with a recipe for how to live a life that improves, moment to moment,” Lynette says regarding a key takeaway from her latest book. “A recipe for improving regardless of your history or situation.”

Though a diagnosis of Dissociative Identity Disorder is not common, it is intriguing.

Following the life, memories, choices, and influences of someone who has been given the diagnosis is even more so.

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Book: In Search of Teressa: A Journey into the Mind of a Woman with Many Personalities

Author: Dr. Lynette Louise

Publisher: Robert D Reed

CONTACT: Dr. Lynette Louise – Lynette Louise, D.Sc., Ph.D. ABD
EMAIL: / /

Learning with Lynette: Autism Acceptance Month Series with Dr. Lynette Louise and Louloua Smadi

Simi Valley, CA, April 27, 2021: In a display of candor, courage, and compassion, neurotherapist and play professional Louloua asks her teacher and mentor Dr. Lynette Louise (“The Brain Broad”) to help solve issues that present themselves in Louloua’s work with autistic children. And, importantly, to help her on camera so the solutions, along with the problem solving techniques themselves, can be shared among a larger audience.

Dr. Lynette Louise is an international brain change and behaviour expert specializing in autism. She has over forty years of experience understanding, working with, and advocating for autistic individuals as a mother, friend, clinician, consultant, filmmaker, and partner. In that time she has found creative ways to teach others to replicate what many of her colleagues have dubbed “The Lynette Effect.” Simply put, Lynette has an ability to help all of her clients regulate and become more comfortable and capable, regardless of ability or “outlier” status. It’s sort of a rethinking in how our beliefs, behaviours, and physiology combine to create who we are, partnered with an understanding of how to harness that knowledge so we can help ourselves grow in the direction we want. And, importantly, a belief that every person is worth caring for and connecting with beyond our behaviours and into the place where we are thinking, learning, trying, and reaching out. Generally, with our behaviours.

Louloua Smadi began her relationship with Lynette as the sibling of a client, and then as a client herself. After experiencing the power of neurofeedback firsthand – coloured with Lynette’s brand of personalized caring for each and every person she works with – she soon knew she wanted to follow in Lynette’s footsteps. At Lynette’s suggestion she first studied under several other clinicians with various biofeedback modalities, gathering the thinking and experiences of other renowned neuroscientists into her knowledge of the field. A passionate and insatiable learner with a heart that knows no limits, Louloua now works with special needs children and their families; mainly children with autism. When she or her friends and colleagues have questions, she seeks the most holistic and helpful answers.

In this series, Louloua learns from Lynette on camera in order to spread this learning to as wide an audience as possible. But also to remind viewers – autistic individuals, caregivers, siblings, teachers, parents – that we are not alone. We are not the only ones working to find the greatest, kindest, most effective ways to help ourselves and our loved ones. We are correct when we feel the answers are not easily found, but there are answers. In fact, you have some of those answers yourself and the conversational problem solving nature of these discussions encourages you to notice them.

The Learning with Lynette videos have been consistently uploaded and made public throughout the month of April, Autism Acceptance Month. Topics range from “Autism and Violence: What to do” to “Teaching Autistic People how to Speak” to “Eating and Independence” to “Butt Wiping” and others. And there are more to come. Always, when Lynette and Louloua discuss their parallel desires for helping others, respect for everyone involved is evident, infectious, and inspirational.

A playlist of Learning with Lynette videos is easily available to anyone with access to YouTube and comments are open for people to add their thoughts, questions, and insights.

Follow this link to see the videos: Learning with Lynette

CONTACT: Dr. Lynette Louise – Lynette Louise, D.Sc., Ph.D. ABD
EMAIL: / /


Dr. Lynette Louise (“The Brain Broad”) Wins Award in Accolade Global Film Competition

Simi Valley, CA, June 2020 – Dr. Lynette Louise, of Brain Broad Productions, has won a prestigious  Award of Recognition from The Accolade Global Film Competition. The award was given for Lynette Louise’s exciting Autism International Docu-series, FIX IT IN FIVE with LYNETTE LOUISE aka THE BRAIN BROAD, both Seasons one and two. The show follows Lynette to work as she stays with families who have a member with autism as well as at least one other disability or cognitive challenge, and audiences learn to love unconditionally while raising the bar for what can be achieved in terms of both skills and happiness. FIX IT IN FIVE features exceptional families, locations (season one takes place in a small town in Uganda and season two takes place in an apartment in USA) behavior science, neurofeedback and brain change learning, real-life drama, violence, growth, and healing.

Upon learning that she was being presented this award, Dr. Lynette Louise said, “It is an honor, for several reasons, to receive The Accolade Award of Recognition for FIX IT IN FIVE in the Web/Internet Programming category. Clearly, when you put your heart, friends and family, experience and passion, into a project of this scope it helps to know your effort is recognized. But, also, I truly wanted to use the internet as a way to reach families around the world that do not have the means to hire or otherwise learn from my life and unique experiences, which is largely how the idea for the show was born. To know that the judges recognized the craft and creativity that goes into an educational and entertaining show such as FIX IT IN FIVE, while elevating the work and the value of internet programming in general, helps to elevate similar work others may be doing. I’d love to see a shift in the way we discuss and include people with disabilities and differences in art and media, and awards and recognition from film festivals and competitions such as The Accolade can motivate others to seek a similar success.”

The Accolade recognizes film, television, videography and new media professionals who demonstrate exceptional achievement in craft and creativity, and those who produce standout entertainment or contribute to profound social change. Entries are judged by highly qualified professionals in the film and television industry. Information about the Accolade and a list of recent winners can be found at

In winning an Accolade, Dr. Lynette Louise joins the ranks of other high-profile winners of this internationally respected award including the Oscar winning production of The Lady in Number Six by Malcolm Clarke, the very talented Dave Bossert of Disney for his short documentary, The Tunes Behind The Toons, Hollywood industry veteran Ron Howard for When You Find Me and Highwire Films Australia for their popular ABC TV series twentysomething.

Rick Prickett, who chairs The Accolade Global Film Competition, had this to say about the latest winners, “The Accolade is not an easy award to win. Entries are received from around the world from powerhouse companies to remarkable new talent. The Accolade helps set the standard for craft and creativity. The judges were pleased with the exceptionally high quality of entries. The goal of The Accolade is to help winners achieve the recognition they deserve.”

CONTACT: Dr. Lynette Louise – Lynette Louise, D.Sc., Ph.D. ABD


Season one (Uganda) – FIX IT IN FIVE with THE BRAIN BROAD, Trisca

Season two (USA) – FIX IT IN FIVE with THE BRAIN BROAD, Xavier

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Autism ABCs and Fix it in Five: free from The Brain Broad for April and Beyond

April 2020 – IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Dr. Lynette Louise (“The Brain Broad”) is an international brain change and behavior expert, specializing in autism. As an expert, mom, and clinician she is renowned for going wherever she’s needed or inviting those in need into her home. (See Living with Lynette: an inclusive comedy show based off her real life.)


COVID-19 has challenged her usual mode of work (her clinic on the road goes into people’s homes around the globe) but not her ability to creatively answer such challenges.

In response to the growing need for help, ideas, and encouragement for families now largely homeschooling their children with autism or simply living with them in an uncommon and anxious environment, Dr. Lynette Louise has released season one (Uganda) of her international autism docu-series FIX IT IN FIVE with LYNETTE LOUISE aka THE BRAIN BROAD, free for viewing on YouTube.

Show description: “FIX IT IN FIVE is an International Docu-Series that watches Dr. Lynette Louise, The Brain Broad, help children with autism and other co-occurring disorders improve. Through the use of play, neurofeedback and brain-behavior science, The Brain Broad teaches parents in their homes!

Season One: UGANDA – Meet single mom, Milly, and her daughter, Trisca, by traveling with Lynette to Uganda.”

Each episode is a little over an hour long, filled with science facts, emotional moments, and valuable family behavior and belief teachings.

Yet, The Brain Broad is doing even more.  To meet the moment and speak directly to families during this time, she is uploading a daily video in her new Autism ABCs series. Each day a short video, between three and ten minutes, is published with a teaching that is represented by the next letter in the alphabet. “A” is for attitude. “B” is for behavior. “F” is for friendship. “H” is for homeschooling. And so on.

As a single mother (Lynette raised eight children; six adopted, four on the autism spectrum, only one retains that label and remains dependent) Lynette knows well the value of accessible and effective resources. It is her passion to create and offer that to families around the globe.

Not only can families and individuals watch and learn with these videos, they can ask questions and receive personalized answers. Lynette loves to cultivate a community of support and continued learning in the comment section. On YouTube, Vimeo, and all her various social media pages, she wants to talk to and work with you.


FIX IT IN FIVE with THE BRAIN BROAD: Uganda Full Series Playlist

Autism ABCs: Playlist link (with daily uploads until the alphabet is complete!)


In this time of sheltering in place, you are encouraged to invite Lynette into your house, as so many have done, in order to enhance the learning and connecting in your home.


CONTACT: Dr. Lynette Louise – Lynette Louise, D.Sc., Ph.D. ABD

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The Novel Coronavirus and Your Autistic Child

Dr. Lynette Louise offers tips to help relieve worry and ease health risks from COVID-19 when your child has autism.


Simi Valley, CA, March 16, 2020  – Every day of every year we work to take care of our health and the health of our loved ones. During times of increased risk it often feels as though we have to become professional virus/bacteria bodyguards, with a side gig in medical research, in order to keep the illnesses at bay.

For those of us with certain special needs or habits; compulsions, stims, sensory needs, and challenged immune systems; it can be doubly challenging.

Dr. Lynette Louise (“The Brain Broad”) is an international brain change and behavior expert. She is also the mother of eight now grown children, six adopted, four with autism and other cognitive disabilities, who has developed ways to help all children, regardless of ability or special needs, grow healthy and she would like to share some tips with you.

  • WATER FUN AND PLAYING WITH FOOD – Now (during the global concern of COVID – 19) is not the time to deny handwashing or other water play. Yes, often we want to encourage or teach our autistic loved ones to do less with water, to find other passions for play, to not need water so much. (NOTE: Not all autistic individuals are drawn to water but most are. And when they are averse to water it often has to do with a traumatic/controlling behavioral modification caused experience that complicates their relationship with water.) However, when highly contagious illnesses are giving you and those around you legitimate concerns, it’s time to switch your focus and add some soap. Use water as reward. Encourage the water play and explain why. (NOTE: Regardless of whether or not your loved one with autism seems to understand your explanation, they are entitled to it. Also, they are understanding that you have a reason.) Don’t frighten your family, but be honest about why you are allowing more soapy water than usual. For people who have dry skin, find antibacterial lotions for sensory comfort. Have fun with it!

Additionally, follow your child’s impulses. if your child has a habit of playing with strong-smelling foods, like garlic, and lemons allow it. They are teaching you something. Foods like garlic, lemon, vinegar, coconut oil or honey, are non-toxic antibacterial/germ-killing ways to keep clean. Don’t disallow these habits for now, though in the sticky case of honey you’ll understandably want to be limited even in allowing, but do explain the reason. Then follow with a little water play; your hands too.


  • INCLUDE THE ENTIRE FAMILY – Don’t make the all too common mistake of giving only the autistic individual new ways. Be sure to shift everyone’s habits and talk about the fun of keeping healthy from contagion. Some people may still have to go to work or school. When arriving home make a show of washing hands, changing clothes, not chewing your nails. Be sure to use a proactive energy rather than a fearful one. Children on the spectrum easily slip into anxiety and panic that will make keeping them germ-free harder. Be careful not to make the outside world sound overly dangerous, even in a playful way. Watch your tone, choose your words carefully (“Phew! I’m going to quickly wash my hands in case I accidentally touched that germ!” is better than, “I’ve got to wash my hands quick! That germ could have been anywhere out there!”), remember that we still want to help our autistic children and friends feel accepted and comfortable in the outside world. Have the entire family get involved in similar ways as the person with autism. If they are playing with water, play with water too!


  • ATTITUDE IS KEY – Getting enough sleep and reducing stress are of great importance to your immune system. And having a healthy immune system is always a good idea. If you allow yourself to become more afraid and on edge every time you touch your face or your child wipes her hands on dirty surfaces, you might yell or speak of habits as though they are bad or wrong in ways you otherwise had patience for. Don’t! Have an attitude of learning, fun, and togetherness. Explain why handwashing and water play are more frequent for now, be honest with your child, but keep the bigger picture and long-range goals in mind. You want everyone healthy now, but also emotionally healthy later. Many people with autism and other cognitive challenges already have germ fears and phobias, so do your best to be truthful without causing bigger challenges for their futures.


  • OF COURSE, AVOID CROWDS – Particularly with autistic individuals that touch everything and put things in or near their mouths. There is the obvious reason that they will be at greater risk of not appropriately avoiding contamination, but also it is a good time to avoid the fears and judgments of others. People are on high alert and nervous, so it’s not the best environment. Of course, when you do have to venture out do your best to remember tip three: attitude is key. Bring that knowledge, as well as lemons, garlic, and sanitizer, with you.


COVID – 19 is highly contagious and you don’t want your family to confront it. But with these tips offered by Dr. Lynette Louise, “The Brain Broad,” international expert and mom, you can help your family stay healthy while also taking advantage of the opportunity to teach hygiene, flexibility with routines, and have a little fun with food and water.

Please reach out to The Brain Broad for more tips and ideas for helping your autistic child stay healthy during this time of worldwide worry while gaining skills, rather than regressing.


CONTACT: Dr. Lynette Louise – Lynette Louise, D.Sc., Ph.D. ABD

PHONE: 713-213-7682

Dr. Lynette Louise (“The Brain Broad”) Accepts Role as President/Chair for The Autism Channel Foundation

September 12, 2019 – Simi Valley, CA: Dr. Lynette Louise (“The Brain Broad”) has accepted the honor of acting president/chairperson for the new foundation created by Ray Smithers and Jerry Trowbridge of The Autism Channel.

The Autism Channel Foundation has been newly created due to life experience and understanding on the part of The Autism Channel founders that people with autism are too often left without necessary opportunities as they grow older. The mission of The Autism Channel Foundation is “Assuring the Future of those with ASD.”

“I have worked with The Autism Channel for several years now,” says Dr. Lynette Louise, “and they are always authentic in their interest of employing, including, and keeping safe men and women on the autism spectrum. Working with them helps me feel a little less alone in this.”

The foundation will focus on a few specific areas:
1) Aging Out: Parents having children at an older age are also more likely to have children that are autistic. One of the saddest aspects of this is that parents often pass away before their children age out. (The term “age out” refers to when a child is considered an adult and no longer qualifies for financial assistance.) This gives them little opportunity to make arrangements for their child beyond living with them. Parents will be able to apply to the foundation for a grant and if it is approved the foundation will establish an irrevocable trust in the autistic person’s name. Those funds will be released when he or she becomes an adult, as recognized by their home state.

2) Interns: The already existing intern program at The Autism Channel is actively teaching and offering life experience for people on the autism spectrum. It is also doing the same for the non-autistic individuals who work with them. This has proven itself to be of greater value than expected and The Autism Channel Foundation will grow this program by adding more computer workstations and increasing access to transportation and communication options.

3) Community Outreach: The Autism Channel Foundation paid for a professional training program for first responders in dealing with ASD persons in Palm Beach, Florida. The impressive training helped first responders understand how people on the spectrum see the world, giving them a better idea of how to successfully and safely interface with them in real-world situations. The Autism Channel Foundation plans to fund more such important events.

4) Elopement: People with autism love freedom and the outdoors, and deserve to be able to learn and explore safely. However, the number of children lost to wandering and elopement incidents is tragic. The Autism Channel Foundation would like to fund and raise awareness of the many GPS trackers and devices that can help give the freedom and opportunities to learn while offering an additional safety measure.

5) Sub-Titles: Currently, The Autism Channel is seen in more than twenty countries. It would not only be an asset to improve the channel, but a necessary part of including as many people as possible in the programming, to employ a full-time person who can sub-title all of the programming.

All of these issues are congruent with what Dr. Lynette Louise works to improve upon in the world of ASD (she is a spokesperson for GPS SmartSole, because she believes in freedom, she created the show Living with Lynette to employ and include people with disabilities, her international docu-series FIX IT IN FIVE with THE BRAIN BROAD – which airs on The Autism Channel – includes families of many languages and cultures) and hence she has been inspired to join the team.

With Dr. Lynette Louise and The Autism Channel Foundation continuing to work together, the potential to help integrate, bring awareness, and offer concrete help to ASD communities around the world continues to grow in phenomenal ways.

The Autism Channel – Ray Smithers CEO The Autism Channel, Inc. – TACF Senior Advisor,
Dr. Lynette Louise – Lynette Louise, D.Sc., Ph.D. ABD / EMAIL: /
PHONE: 713-213-7682
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Another Personal and Poetic Narrative by Dr. Lynette Louise in Her Latest Book: Sever The Cycle of Abuse with The Sub Shop Savior – Published Jan. 2019 via Motivational Press

January 24, 2019 –  Simi Valley, CA: Dr. Lynette Louise (“The Brain Broad”) is famous for her ability to share important science regarding behavior and beliefs through powerful and intimate storytelling. In her latest book, Sever the Cycle of Abuse with The Sub Shop Savior, she offers audiences yet another peek at her personal traumas while guiding them to answers, both personal and universal.

In similar fashion to her previously published poetic picture book Cerebral Palsy and The WingMaker, Sever the Cycle of Abuse with The Sub Shop Savior is told poetically (though not in rhyme) and accompanied by emotive images. Where The WingMaker offered a collage of photos starring family members in various roles, The Sub Shop Savior presents sketches by one of the author’s grandchildren; Ronan Paris was wrestling with gender identity when The Brain Broad stepped in and offered the opportunity to express those emotions artistically, albeit on a different subject. She hoped that the act of artistically committing to a public project would help with both self-esteem and self-discovery. Lucky for Ronan, it did. Lucky for audiences, we feel it.

The story is of a lost young mother (the author), trying to save herself from a deep and dangerously dark place. Her own strength and intelligence are working against her, having been fed a diet of abuse and lies for the entirety of her childhood. With the tenacity of a mom insisting on becoming healthy for her children and the help of an uncommon stranger, a smelly homeless old woman in a sandwich shop, the tangle of abuse and lies is recognized, examined, and intentionally severed.

The story stirs emotions while it teaches. “You can let go of the baggage in your life when you stop looking at it and focus on a goal of your choosing,” explains Louise.

Dr. Lynette Louise works effectively as a brain and behavior clinician (as well as neurofeedback practitioner) in homes around the world, helping families of various cultures, belief systems, with diverse economic stories. “I help people by sharing much of the knowledge offered in this book. Fact is, it’s true that we are all unique individuals, but it’s also true that we are similar and built with the same basic ingredients. Hence, some general information, when taken in and turned personal, can help everyone. I want to be part of that on as big a scale as possible.”

Dr. Lynette Louise is an award winning author, speaker, filmmaker, and humanitarian. She is also a woman and mother who worked to understand the abuse she survived as a child and how it had infected many of the choices she made as a young adult. With help from a women’s shelter in Ontario, Canada she took steps to sever that cycle, eventually taking the reins and understanding on a deeper level. As the single mother of eight children, six of whom were adopted from homes of abuse and dealing with their own disabilities and traumas, Louise was called to understand the science of behavior so entirely that she could help every one of her own children learn it, regardless of their past experiences and present abilities.

The success of her family is impressive and remains one of her favorite stories to tell. More broadly, she is called to share the reasons and techniques of that success with families worldwide. Sever The Cycle of Abuse with The Sub Shop Savior is a gorgeous and powerful addition to the family of stories that inspire, teach, and challenge us to take the reins, written by a tireless and brilliant woman.

Sever the Cycle of Abuse with The Sub Shop Savior is available in most online bookstores. If you can’t find it at your local bookshop or library, please request it. Follow this link to purchase via Amazon: Sever the Cycle of Abuse with The Sub Shop Savior

About the author: Dr. Lynette Louise is an internationally renowned brain change and behavior expert who teaches a unique and effective approach to continual success andgrowth. An award winning author, speaker, opinion writer, host, recognized humanitarian, and consultant Lynette is universally applauded for her skilled use of science, comedy, and stories when speaking to and teaching groups. Lynette leverages her understanding of how to harness the brain’s plasticity while tapping into her history as a comedian and songwriter, lending leaders and teams a leg up in their industry and lives. Deservedly referred to as “The Brain Broad” Lynette works tirelessly correcting brain dysfunctions and improving group dynamics both at home and abroad. Dr. Lynette Louise is the single mother of eight grown children (six adopted, five cognitively challenged) and is a passionate advocate for children and families facing adversity around the globe.

CONTACT: Lynette Louise, D.Sc., Ph.D. ABD / EMAIL: /
PHONE: 713-213-7682
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Dr. Lynette Louise (“The Brain Broad”) To Be Presented with “Iconic Women Creating A Better World For ALL” award at Women Economic Forum Conference in LA (Nov. 29-Dec.1, 2018)

Nov. 20, 2018 – Simi Valley, CA: Dr. Lynette Louise (“The Brain Broad”) is one of nearly fifteen iconic women who will be presented with the “Iconic Women Creating a Better World For ALL” award at the upcoming Women Economic Forum Conference to be held in LA Nov. 29th through Dec. 1st.

Dr. Lynette Louise is an international brain change and behavior expert. As a hands on clinician as well as a speaker, filmmaker, and teacher, Dr. Lynette Louise works passionately to share knowledge and skills that gift all people, particularly outliers and outcasts, with actionable information and belief shifting science that enhances their lives. “My intention is to become an unstoppable presence in the world of motivation and mental health, “explains Dr. Lynette Louise. “As a speaker, show host, clinician, and mom I have taught and proven again and again that we MUST raise the bar on what can be accomplished – regardless of labels, stigma, or imagined obstacles – by ourselves and our children. With motivation, brain change, and behavior tips, we can all hone necessary skills to be successful in our own lives and in our capacity as citizens of the world. Besides,” adds The Brain Broad with characteristic excited energy, “it’s fun!”

ALL Ladies League (ALL) is the world’s largest All-inclusive international women’s chamber and a global movement for the Welfare, Wealth, and Wellbeing of ALL by empowering women’s leadership. It is a movement of Gender Equality without Gender Divisiveness.

For many reasons a relationship with Dr. Lynette Louise and ALL Ladies League is sustainable and synchronistic. Humanitarian efforts around the world, caring for ALL regardless of gender, abilities, or inclinations, being vocal and inclusive while being clear and concise; and most precisely it is the belief in equality without divisiveness that speaks volumes for the similarities of both Lynette’s core meaning and ALL Ladies League’s movement and mission. As stated on the WEF website, “We have a strong #SheforShe spirit, with outreach toward #SheforHe and #HeforShe.”

While Dr. Lynette Louise travels the globe with a big colorful brain, a passion for believing in everyone, a gift for revealing the path to make important change, and a talent for teaching people to expect equality for themselves by showing them that they are indeed equal and of unimaginable value, Women Economic Forum is Leading the global calendar of events for women empowerment and enterprise. “We have held, in 2015 – 2018, over 20+ worldwide editions, and continue to hold around 10 every year.”

You are invited and encouraged to attend the Women Economic Forum at the J.W. Marriot in LA Nov. 29th – Dec. 1st 2018. Dr. Lynette Louise will be receiving the “Iconic Woman Creating a Better World For ALL” award on Nov. 30th.

CONTACT: Dr. Lynette Louise, D.Sc., Ph.D. ABD, Doubly Board Certified in Neurofeedback / EMAIL:
PHONE: 713-213-7682

For Info on the WEF event: Marti Lippert, Event Coordinator,


Influential New Book by Dr. Lynette Louise – Inspire Yourself To Greatness: Change Your Brain, Change The World – Now Available for Kindle

Nov. 9, 2018 – Simi Valley, CA: While award winning author Dr. Lynette Louise (“The Brain Broad”) works with her publishing team at Motivational Press to complete the finishing touches on her upcoming book Sever The Cycle of Abuse with The Sub Shop Savior (expected publication early December, 2018) her recently released book, Inspire Yourself to Greatness: Change Your Brain, Change The World, has been calling attention to itself by becoming a highly recommend read.

Originally available only in paperback (and we confess, for this particular book paperback remains our favorite version) it has recently been released for Kindle as well.

“The latest book from Dr. Lynette Louise is outstanding. She truly walks her talk and that is apparent in her writing. This book is truthful and practical and leaves me with a sense of real hope on how to create and maintain motivation to manifest anything in life. This book is a must read! Thank you Dr. Lynette for being real. It is so appreciated.” ~Amy Jordan, Speaker, Coach, Fitness Expert, Dancer

Bringing her skills together as an international brain expert, storyteller, advocate, and mom, Dr. Lynette Louise’s interactive book enlightens readers with the power of neuroscience, psychology, cultural understanding, and parental love. The result is a compelling brain based book that inspires and empowers readers with expertly timed metaphors and stories that are easily understood while offering scientific insight that engages and motivates. This book inspires readers to inspire themselves.

Whether you prefer to Inspire Yourself to Greatness with paperback or Kindle – or both! – all options are now easily available to you.

Find both paperback and Kindle versions of Inspire Yourself to Greatness: Change Your Brain, Change The World, on Amazon by following this link: Inspire Yourself to Greatness by Dr. Lynette Louise (The Brain Broad)

About the author: Dr. Lynette Louise is an internationally renowned brain change and behavior expert who teaches a unique and effective approach to continual success and growth. An award winning author, speaker, opinion writer, host, recognized humanitarian, and consultant Lynette is universally applauded for her skilled use of science, comedy, and stories when speaking to and teaching groups. Lynette leverages her understanding of how to harness the brain’s plasticity while tapping into her history as a comedian and songwriter, lending leaders and teams a leg up in their industry and lives. Deservedly referred to as “The Brain Broad” Lynette works tirelessly correcting brain dysfunctions and improving group dynamics both at home and abroad. Dr. Lynette Louise is the single mother of eight grown children (six adopted, five cognitively challenged) and is a passionate advocate for children and families facing adversity around the globe.

CONTACT: Lynette Louise, D.Sc., Ph.D. ABD, Doubly Board Certified in Neurofeedback / EMAIL:
PHONE: 713-213-7682
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Change Your Mindset To Change Your Life – A Retreat Hosted by Two Powerhouse Women: International Brain Change Expert Dr. Lynette Louise (The Brain Broad) and Dianne Kosto, SCN, CEO & Founder of SYMMETRY Neuro-Pathway Training

IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Inspired Retreats presents Change Your Mindset to Change Your Life – a life enhancing retreat hosted by two phenomenal women. October 27th – November 3rd 2018, join international brain change and neurofeedback expert Dr. Lynette Louise (“The Brain Broad”) and Dianne Kosto, a neurofeedback enthusiast and “Mom on a Mission” in Mexico for eight days (with a five day option available) of relaxation, brain and behavior workshops, neurofeedback session, and more.

Whether you feel as though you’re drowning in a workload and emotional mess or you just feel the time is right to renew your health and refresh your goals, this retreat offers the tools and environment for optimal success.

About Your Hosts:

Dianne Kosto, SCN – During a saga to help her son, Dianne Kosto, “Mom on a Mission”, was introduced to the science of neurofeedback and has since been on a mission to share this drugless, painless, noninvasive modality that she believes saved her son’s life. Dianne is the founder of SYMMETRY Neuro-Pathway Training and has opened multiple SYMMETRY Centers on the east coast helping individuals and families. The results continue to be miraculous. She has created a division to cater to her roots in bringing SYMMETRY Neuro-Pathway Training to therapeutic boarding schools. She offers a membership program to professionals who are looking to incorporate Neuro-Pathway Training to enhance client services with a results driven reputation, and offers @Home Training program for those who need a more flexible schedule from the comfort of their home.

Dr. Lynette Louise (“The Brain Broad”): Dr. Lynette Louise is an internationally renowned brain change and neurofeedback expert who teaches a unique and effective approach to Leadership around the globe. An award winning author, speaker, opinion writer, host, humanitarian, and consultant Lynette (known as The Brain Broad) is universally applauded for her skilled use of science and stories when speaking to and teaching groups. Lynette’s work as a clinician, hands-on in homes with families around the world seeking help for their disabilities and degenerative diseases, is groundbreaking (and the basis for her international docu-series FIX IT IN FIVE with THE BRAIN BROAD). Lynette is also the single mother of eight now grown children; six adopted, five with cognitive challenges. It is her role as a mother that drives her desire to travel the globe helping others. After all, that is the environment they live in.


About The Location:

The retreat takes place at Alegre, one of three Inspired Retreats locations- Alegre is a beachfront luxury villa located in the exclusive neighborhood of Punta Mita on the Pacific Coast of Mexico. Punta Mita is 40 mins from Puerto Vallarta and 20 mins from the hippy-surf town Sayulita. The site is surrounded by multi-million dollar mansions and exclusive resorts decorating your visit with the safe and decadent feeling you deserve.

You are invited:

Take advantage of amenities such as Infra-red sauna, Hyperbaric oxygen chamber, Vibration plate, Biomat, Tennis court, Swimming pool, Surf boards (there’s a surf break right outside), Meditation space, and more.  Along with the neurofeedback and workshop sessions there will be live Mexican music, yoga classes, a Mexican cooking class, and more. Also, the menu is filled with healthy, made-from-scratch, local foods.

Escape to a beachfront villa in paradise, indulge in nourishing food and improve the health of your mind and body in a supportive environment. Change Your Mindset To Change your Life is looking forward to welcoming you.

To learn more about the retreat – see meals, itinerary, and amenities – and to register for Change Your Mindset To Change Your Life, FOLLOW THIS LINK or visit

CONTACT: Lucy Oliver at Inspired Retreats EMAIL: Online Form: Inspired Retreats

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Inspire Yourself To Greatness: Change Your Brain, Change The World – NEW BOOK by Dr. Lynette Louise (“The Brain Broad”) Now Available

Inspire Yourself To Greatness is science writing at its best, done with heart, rhythm, and soulful truthfulness. Lynette has written a book I couldn’t put down.” ~Mitch Kaplan, award-winning singer, songwriter, pianist, producer and talent agent known as the musical director/collaborator for the Sandra Bernhard Experience, and UnCabaret

July, 2018, Simi Valley, CA – IMMEDIATE RELEASE – World-renowned brain change expert and award-winning author Dr. Lynette Louise (aka “The Brain Broad”), in partnership with Motivational Press, has released her highly anticipated interactive book Inspire Yourself to Greatness: Change Your Brain, Change The World. Bringing her skills together as an international brain expert, storyteller, advocate, and mom, this timely book enlightens readers with the power of neuroscience, psychology, cultural understanding, and parental love. The result is a compelling brain based book that inspires and empowers readers with expertly timed metaphors and stories that are easily understood while offering scientific insight that engages and motivates.

However, it is a belief in humanity’s ability to discover their own gifts and ideas that drives this book. Dr. Lynette Louise presents strategies and perspectives that enable a view of the possible, beyond what readers may have imagined alone, and then she invites – with great passion and interest – readers to participate in the journey.

One beta-reader told her Instagram followers, “The title, Inspire Yourself to Greatness, is brilliantly accurate. Although the author (Dr. Lynette Louise) does offer inspiration, deep understanding, and vast knowledge throughout the book, she also expertly provides space – both figuratively and literally – for the reader to cultivate and display their own personal beliefs, ideas, quotes, and growth. It is enlightening and, dare I say, fun!”

“You are always changing your brain,” explains Dr. Lynette Louise. “You are either building it up and adding to your convictions or breaking it down and re-creating yourself anew. Both are important aspects to purposeful growth and neither one is better than the other. You are always changing. With this book, I help you do so with intention and tools. And we start off, together, with the intention of growing great.”

This book is of great value to anyone with the desire to know themselves at a deeper level and to gain perspectives and insights that will help them continue to build a ‘greater” them. (The definition of what it means to grow oneself into greatness is decided by the reader at the beginning of the book with many opportunities to edit, change, reiterate, or reinvent along the way.)

About the author: Dr. Lynette Louise is an internationally renowned author, speaker, opinion writer, show host, consultant, and brain change expert. Leveraging her understanding of the brain’s plasticity Lynette gives Leaders of all styles a leg up in their industry. Celebrities, politicians, athletes, corporate leaders, and administrators seek her out for advice on how to optimize performance and improve cognition in the workplace. Deservedly referred to as “The Brain Broad” Lynette works tirelessly correcting brain dysfunctions and improving group dynamics both at home and abroad. Dr. Lynette Louise is the single mother of eight grown children (six adopted, five cognitively challenged) and is a passionate advocate for children and families facing adversity around the globe.

CONTACT: Lynette Louise, D.Sc., Ph.D. ABD, Doubly Board Certified in Neurofeedback / EMAIL:
PHONE: 713-213-7682
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“Amazing writing. This is a brilliant, one-of-a-kind compendium on brain science and how self-awareness of your brain states can open the door to an astonishing new life.” ~Martin Olson, author of Encyclopedia to Hell

Twenty New Episodes of Letters to Lynette with host Dr. Lynette Louise (The Brain Broad) Will Air on The Autism Channel in 2018

May 21, 2018, Simi Valley, CA – On May 15, 2018, filming for twenty new episodes of Letters to Lynette, the popular show exclusive to The Autism Channel, were completed. The segments are expected to begin rolling out in June and will be available on demand throughout the year.

Letters to Lynette is a fifteen to twenty minute show wherein international brain change expert and autism specialist Dr. Lynette Louise (known affectionately as “The Brain Broad”) answers viewer’s personalized questions. The first three episodes of the show aired to great success in 2017 and remain available on demand.

The Autism Channel also hosts Dr. Louise’s renowned international docuseries FIX IT IN FIVE with THE BRAIN BROAD. FIX IT IN FIVE is an entertaining, educational, and inspirational series. The Brain Broad takes audiences with her via the lens of a camera into homes around the world. Each season – of which there are two available for viewing (Uganda, USA) and one to be released this year (Israel) with two still to be filmed (undetermined) for a total of five families in five different countries – brings audiences with Dr. Lynette Louise into a home where at least one family member is affected with autism and an additional diagnosed brain challenge. Often the other family members are also afflicted and mutually helped. With love, creativity, out of the box thinking, and neurofeedback, Dr. Louise gives the family a free five day outreach, helping the family heal while teaching viewers how to do the same. Always there is laughter, learning, forward momentum, new skills acquired and deep connections made.

“I believe families, educators, and care givers will get the most out of what I have to share if they pair the two shows. With FIX IT IN FIVE they can see my advice put into action and made practical. They get to watch it work. I am able to teach tangible lessons while exploring behavior and cultures on both a practical and philosophical level. And by watching a family other than your own be open to learning and candidly sharing their concerns, audiences absorb the possibilities for their own lives because their personal defenses are down. I love all of the families I work with and so I model the exciting changes created by purposeful playfulness and love,” Dr. Lynette Louise explains. “However, with Letters to Lynette, people ask me specific questions relating to their exact situations. Of course I don’t know the people writing in so my challenge is in answering the question in a way that helps them as well as the rest of the viewers. The question is a surprise for me as the producer prints them out and places them in the mailbox. I see the question for the first time and answer with the cameras on. This is done in one take because I want it to have the same feel as a live Q&A and because I want to model that once you understand this population you always know what to do. Having questions in your own personal Letters to Lynette segment answered is useful for the moment of course, but the benefits are exponential and easily applied in all areas of their lives, especially when understood from every angle via the lessons I offer in greater detail with my other projects.”

Dr. Lynette Louise is in a unique position to teach these lessons because she is a mother of eight; six were adopted and four had several mental health dysfunctions, including autism. She was also diagnosed as having come off the spectrum of autism herself. And for the past 30 years she has worked effectively around the globe with families and individuals struggling with various mental health issues (autism, Tourette’s, anorexia, addiction, ADHD, cerebral palsy, etc.). In this way she understands deeply the plight of the parent, the individual, and the professional. And because she has such a knowledgeable grasp of the subject, she is able to take her teachings into any environment and mold them to fit.  “This is why it was so important to me to have a series that travels the globe. What I teach helps people grow healthier and happier in every home, in every culture, and with every style of family. I want to share this gift with others. I remember desperately wanting it myself.”

Previous episodes of Letters to Lynette explored topics such as violence and social skills. The upcoming episodes range in flavor from How do you know if you are autistic? to Is there a connection between my son’s smelly feet and his violence? There was also this crafty one: What do I do about my child’s love of string and belts?

“I am grateful to individuals who are willing to be vulnerable in this way and share their fears or road blocks. Too often I am only able to help people one at a time because of confidentiality or secrecy. I honestly believe this secrecy is a dangerous problem in most cultures. So, again, I thank my letter writers and hope my answers are able to serve as a gift in return,” says Dr. Lynette Louise.

Episodes of Letters to Lynette are available on The Autism Channel (which is free with a Roku Box or Panasonic Viera TV) and can also be seen on their Facebook page. You can send your questions for Dr. Lynette Louise to Episodes of FIX IT IN FIVE with THE BRAIN BROAD can be seen on The Autism Channel and Women’s Broadcast Network. They can also be rented or owned via Vimeo On-Demand. Please visit Lynette’s website for all links and more info:

Contact – Lynette Louise, D.Sc., Ph.D. ABD, Doubly Board Certified in Neurofeedback / EMAIL:
PHONE: 713-213-7682
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Recognize, Become, and Choose Effective Leaders with Lessons from The Brain Broad.

Lynette Louise (“The Brain Broad”) Is Returning To Speak At The Annual Leadership Summit America

September 2, 2017, SIMI VALLEY, CA: Back by popular demand, renowned international brain change expert Lynette Louise (“The Brain Broad”) will be speaking at the Annual Leadership Summit America – Albany, November 2-3rd 2017 at the DESMOND Hotel and Conference Center. On an impressive roster with fellow Leadership Influencers – Jeff Hoffman, Sharon Burstein, Forbes Riley, Frank Shankwitz, and Marilyn Suey – The Brain Broad will be showing attendees how to harness their Leadership Senses in pursuit of better Leaders and Leadership Skills.

The Seven Leadership Sensibilities (as described in the book The Seven Senses Of Leadership: The Brain Broad’s Guide to Leadership Sensibilities by Lynette Louise) are Seeing, Hearing, Tasting, Smelling, Feeling, Balancing, and Leading. Lynette is skilled at teaching the science of the senses with passion and easily remembered metaphors, and then taking us several steps further into creating, enhancing, and building our own skills with this new surprisingly fascinating knowledge.

A Tiny Taste Of What Lynette Teaches:

1) SEEING leads to believing and believing leads to seeing: they work together and build upon each other. It is the act of believing (or expecting) that causes your brain to choose what bits and pieces, out of the landscape of possibilities in front of you, that you will perSEEv.

2) People choose their leaders out of fear and love. The SMELL OF SUCCESS in a leader can be thrown out there like a chemical pheromone; a pheromone of love or a pheromone of hate. Lynette shows you how to control your pheromone production through intention, helping you produce the ODOR OF ADORE. You must have the ODOR OF ADORE – not just to get adoration, but to give it. It’s a mutual feedback loop of chemical reception.

3) LEADERS choose strength and set their followers free. In fact, they insist upon it. Leaders Lead and then let go in order to grow. They are always on the move. And every time they step forward, they leave an empty space behind in their wake that somebody else must step into and fill.

BRAIN BROAD TIP: “A Natural Leader naturally knows how to build herself using the world around her and the raw material of her personage. A Learned Leader learns to do the same. In the end, you can’t tell one from the other. So learn. Learn how to Lead and how to not be misLed.”

This is only a small sample of the many fascinating and effective Leadership Sensibilities Lynette Louise will help attendees understand and employ at November’s Annual Leadership Summit America – Albany. And Lynette is merely one of the speakers that will be sharing valuable knowledge!

BONUS: Lynette will host a special no-cost gathering for Q&A on the brain after the summit has ended on Friday. Simply email her with your name and intention to attend. (Scroll down for contact info.)

Whether learning to lead is your motivation, or choosing better leaders – or both! – be sure to attend this powerful event.

Lynette Louise is available for interviews.

Register or learn more about the Annual Leadership Summit America – Albany here:

Purchase The Seven Senses of Leadership: The Brain Broad’s Guide to Leadership Sensibilities here:

Contact – Lynette Louise, D.Sc., Ph.D. ABD, Doubly Board Certified in Neurofeedback / EMAIL:
PHONE: 713-213-7682
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International Autism Docu-Series FIX IT IN FIVE with LYNETTE LOUISE aka THE BRAIN BROAD, Season Two (USA) Now Available to Rent/Own Worldwide

Purchase of the show goes directly towards funding editing of Season Three (Israel) now in process.

February 23, 2017 Simi Valley, CA – FIX IT IN FIVE with LYNETTE LOUISE aka THE BRAIN BROAD is a docu-series that airs on The Autism Channel, available with a Roku Box. Both season one (Uganda) and season two (USA) are available for viewing free of charge to Autism Channel audiences.

For people who prefer to own (or rent) the show (an important option for educators and event organizers) both seasons are now available worldwide via Vimeo On Demand.

WHAT IS FIX IT IN FIVE? Renowned international mental health expert Lynette Louise (aka The Brain Broad) takes audiences to work with her as she’s invited into homes around the globe to work with families who have a loved one with autism and at least one other brain dysfunction. Always, she helps. Always, everyone learns.

FIX IT IN FIVE, Season One (Uganda) was a groundbreaking success. Seizures, culture, and poverty played important roles while Lynette Louise worked with little Trisca and her mom, Milly. Audiences were brought to tears of understanding and joy while Lynette addressed each issue, introducing us to her unique candor and understanding. We watch (and learn) as it works and everyone begins to heal.

FIX IT IN FIVE, Season Two (USA) has impressed and encouraged viewers with evermore information and support. Puberty, violence, and ferocious love are on display while Lynette works with Xavier and his authentic mom, Jody, alongside Xavier’s brilliant sister, Gina. Once again, show host and creator Lynette Louise taps into her unlimited ability to understand while campaigning for change. The family on screen is gifted with unprecedented and life changing teachings. So are the viewers.

The first two seasons (of what will be a five season docu-series) are now available in their entirety for people anywhere in the world. There are a few ways to watch:

The Autism Channel (FREE to anyone with a Roku Box)

FIX IT IN FIVE with THE BRAIN BROAD, Vimeo On Demand (Rent or Purchase full seasons or individual episodes) Season One (Uganda) & Season Two (USA)

FIX IT IN FIVE on The Woman’s Broadcast Network (Season One only, Available FREE on Roku Box or online)

FIX IT IN FIVE, Season Three (Israel) is now in the beginning phases of editing. By purchasing seasons one and/or two you are contributing to the efforts of editing season three. And you automatically become part of our ever-growing Fix it in Fiver family!

Owning FIX IT IN FIVE with THE BRAIN BROAD gives you access to a show that is already affecting lives in unexpected and positively world-changing ways. As a Fix it in Fiver we encourage you to hold events and screenings of the show so that more people can grow and learn about the attitude shifts, play tips, and brain science that are presented with such emotion and brilliance in this international series.

And please feel free to contact Lynette Louise herself to speak or run a workshop in your area!

Visit Lynette’s websites for more info about the show, Lynette’s books, speaking, videos, outreaches,  and more:

Lynette Louise aka The Brain Broad

Contact Lynette Louise aka THE BRAIN BROAD: Doubly Board Certified in Neurofeedback and working on her PhD in Psychology with a specialty in Psychophysiology at Saybrook University, / EMAIL: PHONE: 713-213-7682
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The Seven Senses of Leadership – Highly Anticipated Leadership Book by Renowned Brain Expert Lynette Louise (aka The Brain Broad) Released in Paperback

Aug. 28, 2016 Simi Valley, CA – Internationally renowned mental health expert and award winning author, Lynette Louise, released her highly acclaimed Leadership book, The Seven Senses of Leadership: The Brain Broad’s Guide to Leadership Sensibilities, in paperback on Aug. 20th, 2016 – in time for the upcoming American presidential elections.

“There is absolutely no way to get information into our brains other than through our senses,” Lynette Louise, also known as The Brain Broad, explains. “Being a good leader who can create a clear exchange of information– as well as choosing the leader you wish to follow – at its most fundamental level requires a complete awareness and recognition of our senses. Great Leadership requires an even deeper grasp in order to enable the clever composition of messages which must be received via the many sensory paths of the individuals in any team or group.”

This understanding of our Leadership Sensibilities is something The Brain Broad shares expertly with readers in her upcoming book. Via an expert exploration of brain science, a poet’s gift with language, and a mother’s love for teaching and sharing knowledge, Lynette has crafted a Leadership book that engages, informs, and expands all of our senses.

“This is a fascinating book which is coming out at just the right time. The art of leadership is a major topic of conversation worldwide, and The Seven Senses of Leadership presents a holistic view of the relationship between leaders and their teams, and the essential elements of leadership that will teach you to lead with strength and intelligence. This is a valuable how-to guide for leaders everywhere.”

– Jeff Hoffman, co-founder of Priceline. Com, and co-founder of ColorJar

Because Lynette is an international mental health expert, working successfully with people who have various challenges and abilities, it’s not surprising that she also makes clear through various leader examples – i.e. Helen Keller – that , “You do not need to have access to all of your senses – Smelling, Seeing, Hearing, Balance, Feeling, etc – in order to be a Great Leader. Many magnificent leaders were and are functioning with fewer than seven senses. But they are aware of and able to communicate via all them.”

“Take my word for it; this book is all about what you need, and don’t have, when it comes to leadership talent; equally to emergent and assigned leadership. This book will help you harness and understand your influence using the tools you already have, your seven senses of leadership.”

– H. E. Tamer Hegazy, Global Minister of Entrepreneurship (From book introduction)

Whether you’re choosing a political leader, becoming a manager or a CEO, heading a family, or seeking a sense of self, The Seven Senses of Leadership offers you a surprising, in depth, and delightful glimpse into the world of constant information sharing through the senses; giving you knowledge and understanding necessary to lead (and follow) with confidence and awareness. Granting complete access to our Leadership Sensibilities.

The Seven Senses of Leadership: The Brain Broad’s Guide to Leadership Sensibilities is published through Motivational Press and is available for Kindle on Amazon (and was number one in Leadership Kindle books on Aug. 17th and 18th) and became available to purchase as an eBook and Paperback through various other online retailers (Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Powell’s etc) on Aug. 20th, 2016.

Price & Purchase: Kindle – $9.99 / Paperback – $19.95

Pages: 188 (Kindle) / 222 (Paperback)

ISBN: 1628653221

Contact Lynette Louise aka THE BRAIN BROAD: Doubly Board Certified in Neurofeedback and working on her PhD in Psychology with a specialty in Psychophysiology at Saybrook University, / EMAIL: PHONE: 713-213-7682
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Globe Trotting, Ground Breaking Docu-Series, FIX IT IN FIVE with THE BRAIN BROAD, Begins Second Season on The Autism Channel – April (Autism Awareness Month)


April 12, 2016, Simi Valley, CA — Season two of the evocative and eye opening international autism docu-series FIX IT IN FIVE with LYNETTE LOUISE aka THE BRAIN BROAD begins airing April 15, 2016, in time for Autism Awareness Month.

Season one introduced viewers around the world to a small family of two in Kampala, Uganda. Everyone quickly adored and learned with this mother-daughter duo: Over the course of five days, Lynette Louise (aka The Brain Broad) taught both mom (Milly) and her seizure ridden seven year old daughter with autism (Trisca) valuable life skills/play techniques and enough neuro-science to use neurofeedback for brain function. As promised by the series host and creator, Lynette Louise, culture, finances, and diagnosis were explored, respected and, when possible, corrected. Never considered unworkable obstacles.

The highly anticipated season two invites viewers into the home of another small family. But that’s where most similarities to the first family end! Five intensive days are spent with Jody and her teenage children Gina (daughter, 17) and Xavier (son, 13). Xavier’s autism is in a pivotal place as the close-knit family struggles to cope with the sexual inappropriateness of autism, tics, and family depression.

“This might be my most important show,” Lynette suggests. “I’m called into homes around the world to fix violence too often. Mistakenly believed to be inherent in autism violence is often exacerbated during puberty and drugged into silence during adult life. People need to see this show. For everyone’s happiness and safety, they need to know what to do before (and when) it gets dangerous.” Lynette adds, “If you know what to do the danger dissipates entirely.”

FIX IT IN FIVE explores challenging, sometimes controversial, topics. Season Two, for example, compares Applied Behavior Analysis vs Child Centered Learning and reveals how the common approach is complicit in creating the violence that is then blamed on the condition of autism. While this show never shies away from a subject, it engages while offering actionable answers, infectious inspiration, and comprehensible brain science. Understanding what is happening makes improvement easier as the family learns to Fix It In Five. This show makes you want to get off your seat and engage with the world in new ways!

Using campy humor, a personified oversized brain full of toys, and entertaining graphics, the tone of the series is always hopeful, kind, playful, and engaging. Lynette’s adoration and respect for the families featured is always on full display. Viewers quickly fall in love!

Season Two of FIX IT IN FIVE with LYNETTE LOUISE aka THE BRAIN BROAD will change lives. On April 15, 2016, you are invited to be one of those lives. Visit The Autism Channel’s website for scheduling info, and Lynette Louise’s website for more info on the series, or to purchase/rent season one in its entirety.

Contact Lynette Louise aka THE BRAIN BROAD: Doubly Board Certified in Neurofeedback and working on her PhD in Psychology with a specialty in Psychophysiology at Saybrook University / / EMAIL: PHONE: 713-213-7682
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Cerebral Palsy and The WingMaker: An Important Story Gets a New Look For Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month


March 18, 2016, Simi Valley, CA – March is Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month. In honor of raising both awareness and understanding Lynette Louise aka The Brain Broad and her publisher (Motivational Press) have decided to re-release the renowned book, The WingMaker, and give it the new name, Cerebral Palsy and The WingMaker, along with a slightly new look.

Cerebral Palsy and The WingMaker
The story, which is told in rhyme and accompanied with emotive images, is of Reazon, a twelve year old girl with Cerebral Palsy. Reazon’s ability to use her body is severely limited but her ideas, imagination, and desire to participate and play are not. The tale of how Reazon discovers creative ways to prove her possibilities and her gifts, along with help from her mom and new friend Happy-Ness, is one that all families living with a loved one who has Cerebral Palsy, or any other handicap, would want to discover. So adding “Cerebral Palsy” to the title makes it easier for that audience to find. It makes sense.

However, when asked why she felt compelled to change the title Lynette, a mother of several super challenged children, replied, “I wrote this true and necessary story because of a true and sadly common situation my son and I experienced.” She tells of an all too familiar cruelty. “I was in the grocery store with my autistic son when an older man said to him, barely glancing to be sure I was out of ear shot, ‘Your mother should have had you put down the day you were born,’ and he walked away. I followed that man until I saw him meet up with his wife, who I spoke to directly. ‘I think your husband needs help with something.’ I suggested. Then I told her what he had said and explained that my son had understood him. Knowing, too, that my son was understanding me while I insisted on his value and ability. ‘Perhaps you can help your husband appreciate my son and children like him in the future. The wife was appropriately horrified, and I walked away knowing I had to share a story that would be read by people like him in the future.”

Read customer reviews and purchase a copy of Cerebral Palsy and The WingMaker on Amazon, Motivational Press, Barnes and Noble and other online retailers.

Cerebral Palsy and The WingMaker is based on an experience Lynette had while playing with a young girl. Make-A-Wish® paid Lynette to bring happiness to a child with Cerebral Palsy. From this experience Lynette found her answer to how she can help other moms in her position, by sharing the story. And that is why she gave Cerebral Palsy and The WingMaker a comic book appearance, so that it could be left on any coffee table or office magazine rack tempting the uninitiated to read, learn and change. In this way she hopes to spread grace, love and understanding for all those moms, dads, brothers, aunts, and disabled individuals who need the world to believe in what they don’t see. Until, hopefully, they see.

Lynette 2

The new name will introduce this book to the “right” audience, making it easier to find. It will open new eyes to the value of everyone. Reazon, the twelve year old hero with cerebral palsy, will be able to meet new friends and bring more than just awareness to a community that craves it.

To schedule an interview or to get more information on cerebral palsy, mental health challenges, parenting special needs, or the book itself please contact Lynette Louise aka The Brain Broad.

Contact Lynette Louise aka THE BRAIN BROAD: Doubly Board Certified in Neurofeedback and working on her PhD in Psychology with a specialty in Psychophysiology at Saybrook University / / EMAIL: PHONE: 713-213-7682
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Why Bill Cosby Being Charged Matters

International mental health expert and RAINN (Rape Abuse Incest National Network) speaker Lynette Louise would love to explain to your audience why Bill Cosby being charged is so important. Being charged stands apart from gossip.

Just a few bullet points:

  • If your abuser (in this case, Bill Cosby allegedly) isn’t charged then the victim worries that nobody can accepted him as guilty.
  • -Now the world of social services and the justice system have a record of the abuser being officially charged so things the victim and the victim’s family do for help is supported.
  • -When an abuser is charged then it helps in future possible cases or even when there’s suspicions behavior because there’s a record.
  • IMPORTANT: Years later, when the victim has healed (with the assumption of healing) they can help further their healing by using the document to prove that there was something that happened to heal from. Without proper charges, people will say there was nothing to heal from. that it was no big deal, and a victim easily slips away from further healing.

As an expert Lynette can truly explain this clearly. Lynette herself was sexually assaulted, raped, and abused but never had her abusers charged. When her daughter was then molested, she insisted on a paper trail, knowing how different it would be for her healing. She was right! Her daughter has proof, she has validation that holds up in the eyes of naysayers. Lynette doesn’t. This has been a challenge that she can use to benefit your audience as she can clearly express the importance of Bill Cosby being charged as it relates to his alleged victims, and other women in the world.

As one of the experts/victims in the documentary H.U.S.H, a confessional style documentary about Hollywood’s Uncovered Sexual Harassment (which will air on PBS next year) she can also suggest other experts and guests for an informative segment. 

I encourage you to contact Lynette Louise directly for more information and to schedule an interview. Lynette is located in Simi Valley, CA and can travel to your area or do the interview via Skype.

Short bio and contact info:
Lynette Louise aka The Brain Broad is an international mental health expert. She is a speaker, author, performer, popular podcast host, neurofeedback & autism expert, and creator/host/therapist for the international reality series FIX IT IN FIVE with LYNETTE LOUISE aka THE BRAIN BROAD, now showing on The Autism Channel. Her one woman show, Crazy to Sane, about mental health and abuse, invites laughter, learning, and toe tapping fun globally FREE every year in April (Autism Awareness and Sexual Assault Awareness Month). She is also the single mother of eight now grown children; Six were adopted and four were on the autism spectrum. Only one of her sons retains his label and remains dependent. She hosts the popular podcast A New Spin on Autism: Answers! and her latest radio show, The Brain Broad Builds a Brain, highlights challenges such as sleep disorders, Parkinson’s, depression, brain tumors, autism, ADHD, Dyslexia, and more. It’s a fun way to talk brain science for folks who are hoping to have a hand in healing themselves.
Contact Lynette Louise aka THE BRAIN BROAD: Doubly Board Certified in Neurofeedback and working on her PhD in Psychology with a specialty in Psychophysiology at Saybrook University EMAIL: PHONE: 713-213-7682

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International Mental Health Expert Clarifies on The Connection Between Violence and Autism

“There is a connection between autism, mental health, and danger,” admits global mental health therapist Lynette Louise. As an autism mother, Asperger’s individual, global in-home therapist and speaker, Lynette knows what she’s talking about. “There is an equally large danger in not being willing to discuss this truth openly.”

You won’t get the information Lynette is sharing anywhere else. Politics, knee-jerk reactions and a concern that autistic individuals will be stereo-typed and feared holds many tongues, but at what cost?

Lynette wrote an article titled Craziness Creeps up on us—Generation after Generation, which was published on In this article she describes with candor, science and personal examples how this violence is often encouraged, if not created, on a national level by our unwillingness to take on the responsibility, or to believe in teaching our children sophisticated thinking.

In response to the horrendous horror of too many mass shootings, often ending in political posturing regarding gun laws and the mental health system, Lynette recorded a special episode of her podcast A New Spin on Autism: Answers with her once upon a time violent and autistic son, Rye. She also recorded a special episode in 2012 after the Sandy Hook Elementary school shooting, wherein she takes us through the history of violence on a more personal, and surprisingly honest, level; as a mom and in her own home. Her youngest son (Rye) requested that she tell his story in order to help others. As a child he was known to accidentally kill animals, play imaginary games that included dead body parts and have violent meltdowns. As an adult he has been known to be the one that is taken advantage of, most recently having been attacked in his own apartment. Lynette skillfully shares his tale, uncovering the actions that have not only helped, but possibly saved him. In the more recent episode, Rye and Lynette talk about the more recent shooting and offer answers together.


One example of how Lynette suggests changing the story refers to the much talked about, rarely understood, autism meltdown. Lynette says, “If your child is having a meltdown, is screaming and hitting himself, do not run and give attention to the meltdown, do not yell at the child for the meltdown. Do react; stand in their presence and say, ‘when you are finished with that I would love to help you.’ If they are hitting themselves, offer them a squeeze. But do not do it as though you are saving them. Do it like you are teaching them how to help themselves, and then walk them through, logically, whatever led them to the meltdown.”

It is quite obvious that we are all connected, and that changing the story for one struggling family can matter for thousands, even millions, of others. It’s important that we be honest, and find answers.

Contact Lynette Louise aka THE BRAIN BROAD: Doubly Board Certified in Neurofeedback and working on her PhD in Psychology with a specialty in Psychophysiology at Saybrook University EMAIL: PHONE: 713-213-7682

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HALLOWEEN: The Holiday Made for Autism (With These Important Tips)

Spooky and wild. Scary and different. Kind of like learning that your family is now going to perk up and listen every time they hear the word autism. That doesn’t mean every day is like Halloween for these families. It isn’t. But Halloween can be an excellent opportunity for playfully fun learning’s.

Global autism expert, speaker/performer, author and—most importantly mom—Lynette Louise can help your audience (with or without autistic children) get the most out of this boo-tiful opportunity. Some of the actionable and perhaps overlooked treasures your audience will learn:

Imagination Appreciation: It’s often said that autistic kids have no imagination. Yet one won’t sleep without her clock pillow and another wants only to line up his trains and dinosaurs. What do we ‘imagine’ they are thinking? Halloween is the night for exploring and discovering who they want to be and what that looks like to them. With make-up and masks comes a chance to shape imagination. Teaching appropriate imaginative play is lurking…

Awareness in your Neighborhood: One of the ‘scary’ truths about autism is that often families avoid outings and teaching opportunities due to a lack of awareness and understanding in the world outside autism spectrum disorder. Halloween is an excellent time to introduce your quirky selves to the—let’s face it—curious neighbors. Autism awareness in your neighborhood can offer safety and friendship. They probably aren’t as scary as you think… and neither are you!

Social Skills: Whether your child is verbal, non-verbal, echolaliac or only interested in calendar dates, door to door small talk (or if your child is more comfortable, handing out candy to visiting ghouls) is a once in a year opportunity to teach spooky social skills without too much pressure, involved in parallel play there is no need for sophisticated interaction. And, there is the immediate reward of candy!

RE: Candy and its negative effect on our kids, esp. those on a special diet. Lynette will give your audience tips on how to deal with this very real issue, but the bottom line is that experience and teaching opportunities most often outweigh the negative side effects of an evening with gluten and sugar.

Your audience knows their own children’s challenges and strengths. Lynette will help them take advantage of this spooky night (and the days leading up to it) with intention and the important skill of fun learning! Together we can take a step toward taking the ‘scary’ out of autism! HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

Global mental health expert, Lynette Louise, raised eight children –six were adopted and four of them were on the spectrum of autism. She was able to guide all but one out of autism and into independence. Lynette travels internationally, performing and speaking on the subject of autism and the efficacy of neurofeedback (biofeedback for the brain). Offering play therapy, family dynamics counseling and neurofeedback– she effectively helps parents become confident experts in their family’s healing. She is the author of the inspirational and honest new book MIRACLES ARE MADE: A Real Life Guide to Autism and host of the popular radio show A NEW SPIN ON AUTISM: ANSWERS! Her one woman musical comedy show CRAZY TO SANE raises awareness –and laughter –around the world and her international docu-series (airs on The Autism Channel) FIX IT IN FIVE with LYNETTE LOUISE aka THE BRAIN BROAD offers FREE help to families with fun, kindness and concrete answers many types of brain disorders!

Contact: Lynette Louise, The Brain Broad- Doubly Board Certified in Neurofeedback, working on PhD in Psychophysiology at Saybrook University 713-213-7682,,

International Docu-Series FIX IT IN FIVE with LYNETTE LOUISE aka THE BRAIN BROAD, Season One (Uganda) Available to Rent/Own on Demand

FIX IT IN FIVE with LYNETTE LOUISE aka THE BRAIN BROAD is an idea hatched out of Lynette’s desire to share her tools of change with thousands of families, globally.

Enjoy this trailer for the docu-series: Autism Docu-Series Trailer FIX IT IN FIVE with Lynette Louise aka The Brain Broad!

Lynette Louise is eagerly invited into homes around the world where she teaches important attitudinal shifts and brain science to families struggling with brain disorders. As a mental health expert specializing in autism she travels tirelessly. Hundreds of children, parents, aunts, and grandpas have benefited from her passion and neurofeedback equipment. According to Lynette, “That’s not enough!”

By offering her services in a docu-series Lynette is able to give the five families willing to be on camera a free five day life changing therapy marathon. At the same time audiences are gifted with answers, entertainment, and an exampling of living life with creativity and intention.

Already audiences are watching FIX IT IN FIVE on The Autism Channel, where it has been aired in its unfinished form in six-nine minutes snippets, and has gained a faithful and action oriented following, affectionately known as “Fix it in Fivers.”

But now, after so many requests, fans and educators can view the DIRECTOR’S CUT of all five freshly edited and powerfully professional episodes via Vimeo On Demand.

Families and professionals now have easy access to six hours of entertainment that brings fabulous fun, tears and laughter, play and struggle, poverty and power while also offering brain science insights, environmental tips, behavioral instructions, explanations, and suggestions. It’s the most cost effective way to bring Lynette Louise aka THE BRAIN BROAD and her skills at both teaching children and lighting a fire in your belly, into your home and community.

Season two of FIX IT IN FIVE with LYNETTE LOUISE aka THE BRAIN BROAD will be airing on The Autism Channel soon, and Lynette recently returned from her trip to Israel where she’s just finished filming her work with the third of the five families that will be profiled in this unique and powerful international series.

“I’m exhausted,” The Brain Broad admits, “but I’m also more motivated than ever. These simple changes I teach, this playful life I encourage, heals in ways even I can’t always predict. It needs to be seen. Families need to know what to do. And people need to believe that regardless of labels and culture, miracles can, and should, happen almost daily.”

To learn more about the show, and to rent or buy season one for yourself or your local schools and libraries, please visit any of Lynette’s websites, specifically the Fix it in Five page here:

Contact Lynette Louise aka THE BRAIN BROAD: Doubly Board Certified in Neurofeedback and working on her PhD in Psychology with a specialty in Psychophysiology at Saybrook University EMAIL: PHONE: 713-213-7682
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How to be a Village for an Autism mom this Mother’s Day– Lynette Louise of Brain and Body offers these simple tips

Simi Valley, CA Immediate Release: Autism expert Lynette Louise of Brain and Body agrees that every mom deserves to be pampered and recognized on Mother’s Day. For parenting partners and kids this is a great opportunity to prove that you appreciate the lengths mom goes to every day, by helping out for one! Unfortunately, moms of autism often get less pampered because families and friends aren’t sure what to do.
Global mental health expert, and more importantly, autism mom and individual Lynette Louise aka The Brain Broad, would love to offer some simple suggestions!

Neighbors and Strangers:

#1 Think ‘Isn’t that child beautiful!?’

#2 Think ‘Isn’t that mom awesome!?’

#3 Think ‘How can I help?’

#4 Don’t think. Act! Open a door, push a cart, carry a bag, smile!

In-Laws and Extended Relatives:

Hire a cleaning lady that uses all natural products and send her to clean up the mess after Mother’s Day.


Engage in your special sib’s favorite game of repetitive behavior for at least an hour, and laugh a lot!

Parenting Partner:

Do ALL the child rearing for the day and then both of you go out to supper. (If the in-laws don’t do their job, hire a maid to clean-up the mess. If you can’t afford one, involve all the kids and do it yourselves.)

Best Friend:

Take her and her special child out while the house gets cleaned.


Relax and trust your friends and family to do it all! You deserve a day!

Some of these tips and tricks (ie think wonderfully, smile and play favorite game with special sib) will make everyone feel more comfortable every day of the year. Surprisingly they also have the ability to help guide your children in skill acquisition and social comfort. Let Mother’s Day be an excuse to begin making those simple, brain changing adjustments! According to Lynette, “Sooner is better than later, though later is MUCH better than not at all.”


Lynette Louise aka The Brain Broad is an international mental health and parenting expert, specializing in autism. She is a speaker, author, performer, popular podcast host, neurofeedback & autism expert, and creator/host/therapist for the international reality series FIX IT IN FIVE with LYNETTE LOUISE aka THE BRAIN BROAD, now showing on The Autism Channel. Her one woman show, Crazy to Sane, about mental health and abuse, invites laughter, learning, and toe tapping fun globally FREE every year in April (Autism Awareness Month). She is also the single mother of eight now grown children; Six were adopted and four were on the autism spectrum. Only one of her sons retains his label and remains dependent. Her latest radio show, The Brain Broad Builds a Brain, highlights challenges such as sleep disorders, Parkinson’s, depression, brain tumors, autism, ADHD, Dyslexia, and more. It’s a fun way to talk brain science for folks who are hoping to have a hand in healing themselves.
Contact Lynette Louise aka THE BRAIN BROAD: Doubly Board Certified in Neurofeedback and working on her PhD in Psychology with a specialty in Psychophysiology at Saybrook University EMAIL: PHONE: 713-213-7682

Limited Time Offer: International Reality Series FIX IT IN FIVE with THE BRAIN BROAD, Season One (Uganda) Available on DVD

Feb. 12, 2015-Simi Valley, CA: FIX IT IN FIVE with LYNETTE LOUISE aka THE BRAIN BROAD is an idea hatched out of Lynette’s desire to share her tools of change with volume.

Lynette Louise is eagerly invited into homes around the world where she teaches important attitudinal shifts and brain science to families struggling with brain disorders. Hundreds of children, parents, aunts, and grandpa’s have benefited from her passion and neurofeedback equipment. According to Lynette, “That’s not enough!”

By offering her services as a reality show Lynette is able to give the five families willing to be on camera a free five day life changing therapy marathon. At the same time audiences are gifted with answers, entertainment, and an exampling of living life with creativity and intention.

Already audiences enjoy watching FIX IT IN FIVE o n The Autism Channel, where it has been aired in its unfinished form in six-nine minutes snippets, and has gained a faithful and action oriented following.

But now, for a limited time, fans and educators can order the DIRECTOR’S CUT of all five freshly edited and powerfully professional episodes to add to their DVD collection. For the next few weeks families have the opportunity to purchase, and learn from, this amazing six hour set!

Lynette Louise will be accepting orders until Feb. 22, and all DVDs will be mailed out by Feb. 28.

Six hours of entertainment that brings fabulous fun, tears and laughter, play and struggle, poverty and power while also offering brain science insights, environmental tips, behavioral instructions, explanations, and suggestions. It’s the most cost effective way to bring Lynette Louise aka THE BRAIN BROAD and her skills at both teaching children and lighting a fire in your belly, into your home and community.


Lynette is returning from her trip to Israel where she’s just finished filming her work with the third of the five families that will be profiled in this unique and powerful international series.

“I’m exhausted,” The Brain Broad admits, “but I’m also more motivated than ever. These simple changes I teach, this playful life I encourage, heals in ways even I can’t always predict. It needs to be seen. Families need to know what to do. And people need to believe that regardless of labels and culture, miracles can, and should, happen almost daily.”


To learn more about the show, and to purchase DVDs for yourself, your local schools and libraries, please visit any of Lynette’s websites, including the temporary one built specifically for this offer.
Contact Lynette Louise aka THE BRAIN BROAD: Doubly Board Certified in Neurofeedback and working on her PhD in Psychology with a specialty in Psychophysiology at Saybrook University EMAIL: PHONE: 713-213-7682
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How To Avoid Being Stripped Of Your Autism Parenting Power While Searching For A Cure

Lynette Louise aka THE BRAIN BROAD says Don’t Wait, Start Connecting and Guessing Today

The news is often filled with new autism studies, theories, and therapy arguments. As an autism parent, or autistic individual, it can be tempting to sit in fear and wait for a definitive answer or waste precious time in search of a cure before truly parenting with confidence.

International mental health and autism specialist Lynette Louise aka THE BRAIN BROAD says, “Don’t! While you’re sitting in wait, precious early intervention connecting and discovering and brain organization is going undone. Equally dangerous is the control you are handing over to professionals and studies who change their minds about what is true month to month. The autistic person in your life is walking around with the answers, and it’s up to you to roll up your sleeves and get discovering.”

As an international practitioner, Lynette doesn’t discount the value of seeking ideas and answers from outside sources. In truth, it would be foolish not to take advantage of the years of experience and perspective scientists and therapists contribute to the possible solution in the ASD child’s challenges. However it is also foolish to ignore the non-degreed long time parents who have made mistakes, learned from them, and grown eager to share that knowledge in a fashion that keeps other parents in the drivers seat.

“Beware the hawkers touting causes and cures and systems that take control of your choices. Seek answers from professionals, other learning disciplines and parental perspective sharing.” Lynette says. “We know what causes Down Syndrome but we can’t cure it. We can however embrace people with it. In other words, don’t waste time waiting to know why. If a your child is autistic hug them now. Don’t wait to learn how to play or teach them to talk, play and teach them to talk while learning how. Don’t give your power away make it bigger, be the expert. And then learn from others the bits and pieces that will make you better at helping your child, not make you feel that someone else if better than you. This is important because if you believe that others are better than you it will be true and this will make you and your child dependent, forever. ”

A show segment or story with Lynette Louise aka THE BRAIN BROAD will example for your audience how to learn from the child rather than from the changing winds of education and science. It is a delight for any audience to observe her explain with passion the play, guessing, and clue following game that you can do immediately with a loved one on the autism spectrum.

As the single mother of eight now grown kids (six adopted, four on the autism spectrum) Lynette recalls clearly the attempts and ideas that worked to help her children (and herself!) and the ones that didn’t. Your audience can laugh and learn as she shares stories of those mishaps, while revealing the truth that it was the connecting and trying–her believe in herself as the expert–that led to her family’s inevitable and impressive success!

Because Lynette always shares play tips and brain growth facts with passion and easy to understand examples, your audience will also be gifted with concrete tools for their parenting and autism tool box.

Contact Lynette Louise aka THE BRAIN BROAD: Doubly Board Certified in Neurofeedback and is working on her PhD in Psychology with a specialty in Psychophysiology at Saybrook University
EMAIL: PHONE: 713-213-7682

Cerebral Palsy and The WingMaker: Rhyming Picture Book Now Available~International Expert Lynette Louise aka THE BRAIN BROAD Writes a True Tale of Inspiration

[Headline edited to reflect new title: Cerebral Palsy and The WingMaker: An Important Story Gets a New Look for Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month ]

Simi Valley, Calif., Dec. 5, 2013—International mental health expert and neurofeedback practitioner Lynette Louise aka THE BRAIN BROAD of Brain and Body travels the globe as a playful therapist and brain expert. Visiting homes of families struggling with a myriad of disabilities and other challenges, she is always able to offer actionable answers that change the trajectory of lives.

In her latest book, The WingMaker, Lynette Louise shares a tale that invites the reader to journey with her. A rhyming picture book, The WingMaker is based on the true story of a struggling mom, a playful therapist, and a young girl with Cerebral Palsy. Facing hardships both real and imagined the three come together to discover the power of play, neurofeedback, and of believing in impossibilities. Just as happiness replaces the hardship in life’s work, the young girl becomes deathly ill. It is at this point that the therapist must discover her own reasons to play and create change.

This book offers insights not often enough shared. It’s excellent for families living with disabilities, mental health issues, or dealing with loss. It is also an inspirational resource for neurofeedback clinics, therapy centers, and schools. The writing style is geared for older children and adults, while the pictures invite interest and discussion for all ages.

“Sometimes a story haunts you until you write it down.” Louise admits when discussing why she wrote the book. “That was the case here. This child enlightened me in so many very profound ways that I just had to share her story. Now it can enlighten, or at the very least lighten, you.”

When asked what she hopes readers will learn from the book, Louise says, “There are so many things. But I especially want to example the power of play. I want readers to feel the fun that we can choose when living our challenging lives. And living with extreme disabilities is challenging.”

The WingMaker examples all of that with surprising insight, a collage of pictures, and thoughtful prose. Published by Motivational Press the book is now available in paperback, in time for the holidays.

To purchase your copy of The WingMaker on Amazon, follow this link: The WingMaker by Lynette Louise

For more information on Lynette Louise aka THE BRAIN BROAD, neurofeedback, autism, FIX IT IN FIVE with LYNETTE LOUISE aka THE BRAIN BROAD (reality series), A NEW SPIN ON AUTISM: ANSWERS (podcast) other publications and more please visit and

Lynette Louise aka THE BRAIN BROAD Is Doubly Board Certified in Neurofeedback and has an MS. She is studying for her PhD in Psychology with a specialty in Psychophysiology at Saybrook University

Contact: EMAIL: PHONE: 713-213-7682

Autism Awareness and Answers with Music, Comedy and Brain Science CRAZY TO SANE with Lynette Louise offered FREE in April (Autism Awareness Month)

Simi Valley, CA

Global autism expert Lynette Louise raises awareness and offers actionable autism answers around the world as a therapist, author, speaker and neurofeedback specialist. But her favorite way to spread this important information is with music and comedy. In her one woman musical comedy CRAZY TO SANE she has found a way to offer a guilt free outing while gifting audiences with answers and inspiration.

Why comedy and singing?? Lynette Louise raised eight children; six were adopted and four were on the spectrum of autism. As a sensory and socially challenged individual herself she found that stand-up and music were a great way to pay the bills, learn social skills and remember to laugh! She feels honored to share with families struggling for answers. In the introduction of her performance she says in a quiet and sincere voice about her show”… it is also a tribute to the parents of autism. They are a wonderful part of my world.”

Did you say Brain Science?? Lynette Louise tried tons of therapies while raising her crazy brood. With so many challenged children, and by being challenged herself, she was in a unique position to observe and understand the various pros and cons of each different technique on a variety of brains. Eventually she discovered biofeedback for the brain—neurofeedback– and she was hooked. This modality was congruent with her beliefs and observations. And it worked! Guiding the brain to a more balanced state and encouraging focus, neurofeedback is an effective therapy for any brain disorder. Falling in love with the brain she has educated, certified and is now getting her doctorate in psychophysiology.

Okay. But comedy, singing AND brain science! Huh? Lynette explains this marriage best herself in CRAZY TO SANE. Exampling some of the stims and repetitious behaviors she has seen in autistic children and adults around the world, she stops and, out of breath, exclaims, “Being autistic is exhausting!” She goes on to explain how a high number of delta waves in our brains can make behaving strangely just a coping mechanism for focusing. “It’s like your neurons are smoking pot!” she explains. With Lynette’s unique analogies and humor, the brain and its functions become clear and easily remembered.

During Autism Awareness Month (April), Lynette Louise offers her otherwise expensive show FREE of charge as part of her crusade to share answers and understanding in the world of autism. If you have a support group, non-profit organization or a group of curious friends, Lynette Louise will perform at your function for the price of hotel, travel and a small fee for her accompanist. Visit for more information or to get a peek at Lynette on stage.

Living with autism is challenging. Learning about autism is challenging. Brain science is challenging. Inviting friends and family to a comedy show that offers all three of these with humor, honesty, a lifetime of understanding and actionable tips is a no brainer! To ask Lynette Louise to talk to your group or to set up a performance in your town contact Lynette Louise directly.

Contact: Lynette Louise MS, BCN-T, CBS PhD in M.O.M, 713-213-7682,,

FOR THE LOVE OF AUTISM… A timely and entertaining interview offering concrete Autism Answers… featuring the new book “MIRACLES ARE MADE: A Real-Life Guide to Autism” by Lynette Louise MS, BCN-T, CBS; PhD in M.O.M

Lynette Louise is a different kind of professional. This global autism expert is eagerly invited into homes -from India to Beirut to Kansas and more- as families seek understanding. Using her unique blend of play therapy, family dynamics counseling and neurofeedback, Lynette lights the path to successful parenting. This is because Lynette is a woman who truly gets what it is to live and breathe autism.

Raising eight children on her own, (four on the autism spectrum) and attempting to pay the bills put Lynette in a unique position: observer and teacher to a variety of spectrum disordered brains and juggler of work and family. It also forced her to deal with her own slightly broken brain. Stand-up comedy helped pay the bills and served as a reminder to see the funny in every situation and the possibilities in life’s challenges.

Travelling the globe working with children and their families as well as speaking to large groups of parents and professionals has made it apparent that the growing numbers of autism beg for honest explanations of the autistic brain accompanied by concrete answers. Lynette found most of those answers in the anatomy of the brain by facilitating change with neurofeedback. Even without this technology though, Lynette offers surprising and intuitive solutions for creating positive change in every family, every child; every single time.

Lynette will share with your audience self- revealing, inspirational, informative and often times hilarious anecdotes from her own life as well as from the lives she has helped change along the way. In this way your audience will gain hope and a renewed energy to roll up their sleeves and make miracles!

Some Sample Questions that will get Fun and Informative Answers: How did travelling the country in a van and performing in prisons play an important role in your families healing (surprising story)? Is it necessary to give feedback with a computer to see positive change? Can you explain your belief in autism as a gift? Is it true that autistic children don’t bond, don’t show love? How hard is this on parents? Do you believe toxins in our environment affect the numbers of autism? What is a ‘spectrum disorder’? (Lynette is great at helping people understand this concept) Lynette could be seen doing neurofeedback on camera (to herself or volunteer) so the audience will be able to visualize the therapy.

Availability: Nationwide by arrangement; available as a last-minute guest.

To schedule an interview contact Lynette Louise 713-213-7682 or email (see a clip of Lynette on Midday Sunday, FOX/KTTV-TV, Los Angeles) for more information on neurofeedback and autism

Holiday Fun for Autism and All! Five tips for enjoying the holidays with your whole family

Immediate Release:

Global autism expert, therapist, speaker/performer, podcast host, author and mom Lynette Louise MS, BCN-T, has happily compiled a list of twelve surprising and actionable autism spectrum Christmas tips! As with all her autism suggestions these tips are great for enjoying the holidays and offering concrete learning’s for children on the autism spectrum as well as every other rug-rat in your holiday household. They will be posted on her neurofeedback and autism website for Thanksgiving, November 24th 2011. We would love to share five with you now!

1 – Every child likes to shop – their way. So when you take your kids shopping take them shopping – not you. Do this for all your children, not just the autistic child. Admire their choices. So what if they buy their sister a jar of mustard? Maybe they think that is a good gift. Instead of simply redirecting them, try to understand why.

2- In other words give control – your children spend their days being ordered and shaped so let go on the holidays and let them just be autistic (or fourteen) for a change.

3- Make the car your friend. It is familiar and smells like family so if they need a space to pull themselves together in use the car– it goes everywhere!

4- Eat in unison. This means that if they have a special diet either everyone picks their favorite foods and your ASD child feels happy with that, or everyone eats the special diet … because way too often the difference in the diets drives the kids to tantrum.

5 – Give gifts that THEY want, NOT toys the educational department approves of. For example, if your child loves baby pillows give him a refrigerator box full of them. If he wants that every year– so be it. Those other toys come from our wishes not theirs. So those other toys are not gifts; they are lessons.

Christmas is a crazy mix of excitement and stress. Our children feel that energy, especially our more sensitive autistic ones. Lynette’s tips will help moms, dads, grandparents and family friends approach the holidays with intention and fun. Stress often disappears when given the great gift of knowing what to do. Lynette reminds families, ‘You can’t teach a child to relax and enjoy family unless you do’. Happy Holidays!

Contact: Lynette Louise aka THE BRAIN BROAD is Doubly Board Certified in Neurofeedback and is working on her PhD in Psychology with a specialty in Psychophysiology at Saybrook University 713-213-7682,


Official Release Date April 2, 2011 — Global Autism Awareness Day Immediate Release: October 2011

Lynette Louise, the author of this important book ( raised eight children (six adopted, four labeled autistic) eventually guiding all but one off of the autism spectrum.

As a mother of multiple children with a spectrum disorder at a time when it was seen as entirely incurable, she found herself searching for and trying all available therapies. She observed her different children’s reactions to changes in diet and routine, learning to understand and identify their many progressions and regressions. Eventually a lifetime of loving and learning with her children guided her to a remarkable new tool; neurofeedback. Now that she had discovered this effective answer she continued her education, becoming a certified technician and has dedicated herself to teaching what took her so much trial and error to learn. Using a unique combination of play therapy, neurofeedback and family dynamics counseling Lynette travels the globe helping parents become experts in their families healing.

While there are many books out there on autism, “MIRACLES ARE MADE” is the only one that offers historical understanding, personal triumph, enlightenment on the incongruence of present day approaches and concrete autism answers.

In order to share what she has learned Lynette chose a user friendly fashion and broke the book down into two sections. The first section is her personal journey shared with surprising honesty and humor. Lynette struggled in her attempts to understand and heal the family while simultaneously trying to pay the bills. Singing and doing comedy on stage turned out to be the best way to feed her family while she learned to see the hilarity of her situation. She shares this humor in the pages of her book even as she shares the frustrations of her journey.

The second section is more of a resourcer where readers can learn about the science and history of autism as well as the many therapies and diets being used around the globe. Lynette explores with the reader in detail the history of how these therapies and diets came to be, what she has learned works, and why.

The official release date for “MIRACLES ARE MADE: A Real Life Guide to Autism” was April 2, 2011 (Global Autism Awareness Day). Copies have been made available for press, book reviewers and ‘folks in the know’ at their request. Please visit to view the book or visit Robert D. Reed Publishers at to read glowing testimonials from doctors, authors, neuropsychologists, parents etc. in the worlds of neuro-science and autism. For your complimentary copy contact Lynette Louise directly.

Contact: Lynette Louise: (713)-213-7682


Immediate Release:

In the last five years the number of children diagnosed with autism has jumped so significantly it has gone from an unheard of curiosity blamed on unloving mothers to a common term and fear blamed on everything from immunizations to pollution, or even an attempt at making excuses for kids who are just out of control. While the world struggles to understand the cause of this epidemic one woman gives the gift of understanding how to love and change not only the diagnosed child but a world completely rocked by autism. “MIRACLES ARE MADE: A Real Life Guide to Autism” is a book that helps readers to understand the diagnosis and gives them the tools to change it.

Lynette Louise, the author of this important book ( raised eight children (six adopted, four labelled autistic) eventually guiding all but one off of the autism spectrum. As a mother of multiple children with a spectrum disorder at a time when it was seen as entirely incurable, she found herself searching for and trying all available therapies, observing her different children’s reactions to changes in diet and routine, learning to understand and identify their many progressions and regressions. Eventually a lifetime of loving and learning with her children guided her to a remarkable new tool; neurofeedback. Suddenly everything made sense. All she had observed, the different things that seemed to help some but hinder others, had a reason that could not only be understood, but also guided and helped to change. Now that she had discovered this wonderful new answer she continued her education, becoming a certified technition and has dedicated herself to teaching what took her so much trial and error to learn. Using a combination of play therapy, neurofeedback and family dynamics counselling Lynette travels the globe healing families through their children.

In “MIRACLES ARE MADE: A Real Life Guide to Autism” Lynette not only shares stories from her personal and professional life but also illuminates the whys and the wherefores of the social climate parents find themselves in when coping with autism. She does this by educating us on the history of science and social awareness in relation to this disorder. She then teaches us how to make the best of what is possible and recreate the healings she has been fortunate enough to facilitate. The reader will come away understanding how to understand autism. They come away knowing what to do.

In order to share what she has learned Lynette chose a user friendly fashion and broke the book down into two sections. The first section is her personal journey shared with surprising honesty and humor. Lynette as mother to eight children struggled in her attempts to understand and heal the families brains while simultaneously trying to pay the bills. Singing and doing comedy on stage turned out to be the best way to feed her family while she learned to see the hilarity of her situation. She shares this humor in the pages of her book even as she shares the frustrations of her journey.

The second section is more of a resource where readers can learn about the science and history of autism as well as the many therapies and diets being used around the globe. Lynette explores with the reader in detail the history of how these therapies and diets came to be, what she has learned works, and why.

Throughout the entire book can be found stories shared by families who have gained help from Lynette. She underscores the message that Miracles Are Made out of hard work and loving persistence through these stories. She also uses the stories to express the different paths experienced by different therapy choices. Lynette then explains how and why these therapies were complimented or replaced by what she brought to the table.

While there are many books out there on autism, “MIRACLES ARE MADE” is the only one that offers historical understanding, personal triumph, enlightenment on the incongruence of present day approaches and concrete answers. This book is written for both parents and professionals because Lynette is both a parent and a professional who desires to be instrumental in creating positive change.

The official release date for “MIRACLES ARE MADE: A Real Life Guide to Autism” is April 2, 2011 (national autism awareness day) however copies are available for press, book reviewers and ‘folks in the know’ immediately. Please visit to view and/or purchase your own copy, or contact the publisher (Robert D. Reed Publishers) directly at


Lynette Louise Robert D. Reed Publishers
713-213-7682 541-347-9882