Lynette Louise


“Seeking The Leadership Path” with guest Craig Duswalt

Be Reminded Of What You Know – Leaders unanimously agree that learning is of great value. Rockstar marketing guru Craig Duswalt takes us one step further (as true Leaders do!) by telling a story of getting lax about his own marketing. With rockstar energy he gives us concrete marketing tips and suggests learning to discover what we don’t know, and learning to be reminded of what we do know.

*BONUS POINTS for viewers who notice what The Brain Broad forgets that she knows (and we know she knows because she talks about it in previous videos) and then remembers to know. HINT: It’s has to do with the title of the series. Have fun!

Learn and network with influential Leaders at the Albany Leadership Summit:
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Guest Bio: Craig Duswalt is a Speaker, Author, Radio Host, and the creator of RockStar Marketing and RockStar Personal Growth.  Craig’s background includes touring with Guns N’ Roses, as Axl Rose’s personal assistant, and Air Supply, as the band’s personal assistant. Craig was also an award-winning copywriter, working as a Creative Director for a Los Angeles-based ad agency until opening up his own ad agency, Green Room Design & Advertising, which was named the 2002 Santa Clarita Valley Chamber of Commerce Small Business of the Year. Craig combined his backgrounds in both music and marketing, and is now a professional speaker and author, promoting his RockStar Events all over the country, teaching entrepreneurs, small businesses, home-based business and the self-employed how to promote themselves and their business by thinking outside the box. So, rock on and check out his website here:

This Virtual Leadership Summit asks several International Leaders their definition of Leadership and Success. Lynette Louise aka The Brain Broad facilitates the discussion and gathers advice from around the globe.


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