International mental health expert and RAINN (Rape Abuse Incest National Network) speaker Lynette Louise would love to explain to your audience why Bill Cosby being charged is so important. Being charged stands apart from gossip.
Just a few bullet points:
- – If your abuser (in this case, Bill Cosby allegedly) isn’t charged then the victim worries that nobody can accepted him as guilty.
- -Now the world of social services and the justice system have a record of the abuser being officially charged so things the victim and the victim’s family do for help is supported.
- -When an abuser is charged then it helps in future possible cases or even when there’s suspicions behavior because there’s a record.
- – IMPORTANT: Years later, when the victim has healed (with the assumption of healing) they can help further their healing by using the document to prove that there was something that happened to heal from. Without proper charges, people will say there was nothing to heal from. that it was no big deal, and a victim easily slips away from further healing.
As an expert Lynette can truly explain this clearly. Lynette herself was sexually assaulted, raped, and abused but never had her abusers charged. When her daughter was then molested, she insisted on a paper trail, knowing how different it would be for her healing. She was right! Her daughter has proof, she has validation that holds up in the eyes of naysayers. Lynette doesn’t. This has been a challenge that she can use to benefit your audience as she can clearly express the importance of Bill Cosby being charged as it relates to his alleged victims, and other women in the world.
As one of the experts/victims in the documentary H.U.S.H, a confessional style documentary about Hollywood’s Uncovered Sexual Harassment (which will air on PBS next year) she can also suggest other experts and guests for an informative segment.
I encourage you to contact Lynette Louise directly for more information and to schedule an interview. Lynette is located in Simi Valley, CA and can travel to your area or do the interview via Skype.
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