Lynette Louise


Cerebral Palsy and The WingMaker: An Important Story Gets a New Look For Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month


March 18, 2016, Simi Valley, CA – March is Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month. In honor of raising both awareness and understanding Lynette Louise aka The Brain Broad and her publisher (Motivational Press) have decided to re-release the renowned book, The WingMaker, and give it the new name, Cerebral Palsy and The WingMaker, along with a slightly new look.

Cerebral Palsy and The WingMaker
The story, which is told in rhyme and accompanied with emotive images, is of Reazon, a twelve year old girl with Cerebral Palsy. Reazon’s ability to use her body is severely limited but her ideas, imagination, and desire to participate and play are not. The tale of how Reazon discovers creative ways to prove her possibilities and her gifts, along with help from her mom and new friend Happy-Ness, is one that all families living with a loved one who has Cerebral Palsy, or any other handicap, would want to discover. So adding “Cerebral Palsy” to the title makes it easier for that audience to find. It makes sense.

However, when asked why she felt compelled to change the title Lynette, a mother of several super challenged children, replied, “I wrote this true and necessary story because of a true and sadly common situation my son and I experienced.” She tells of an all too familiar cruelty. “I was in the grocery store with my autistic son when an older man said to him, barely glancing to be sure I was out of ear shot, ‘Your mother should have had you put down the day you were born,’ and he walked away. I followed that man until I saw him meet up with his wife, who I spoke to directly. ‘I think your husband needs help with something.’ I suggested. Then I told her what he had said and explained that my son had understood him. Knowing, too, that my son was understanding me while I insisted on his value and ability. ‘Perhaps you can help your husband appreciate my son and children like him in the future. The wife was appropriately horrified, and I walked away knowing I had to share a story that would be read by people like him in the future.”

Read customer reviews and purchase a copy of Cerebral Palsy and The WingMaker on Amazon, Motivational Press, Barnes and Noble and other online retailers.

Cerebral Palsy and The WingMaker is based on an experience Lynette had while playing with a young girl. Make-A-Wish® paid Lynette to bring happiness to a child with Cerebral Palsy. From this experience Lynette found her answer to how she can help other moms in her position, by sharing the story. And that is why she gave Cerebral Palsy and The WingMaker a comic book appearance, so that it could be left on any coffee table or office magazine rack tempting the uninitiated to read, learn and change. In this way she hopes to spread grace, love and understanding for all those moms, dads, brothers, aunts, and disabled individuals who need the world to believe in what they don’t see. Until, hopefully, they see.

Lynette 2

The new name will introduce this book to the “right” audience, making it easier to find. It will open new eyes to the value of everyone. Reazon, the twelve year old hero with cerebral palsy, will be able to meet new friends and bring more than just awareness to a community that craves it.

To schedule an interview or to get more information on cerebral palsy, mental health challenges, parenting special needs, or the book itself please contact Lynette Louise aka The Brain Broad.

Contact Lynette Louise aka THE BRAIN BROAD: Doubly Board Certified in Neurofeedback and working on her PhD in Psychology with a specialty in Psychophysiology at Saybrook University / / EMAIL: PHONE: 713-213-7682
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