Lynette Louise



Official Release Date April 2, 2011 — Global Autism Awareness Day Immediate Release: October 2011

Lynette Louise, the author of this important book ( raised eight children (six adopted, four labeled autistic) eventually guiding all but one off of the autism spectrum.

As a mother of multiple children with a spectrum disorder at a time when it was seen as entirely incurable, she found herself searching for and trying all available therapies. She observed her different children’s reactions to changes in diet and routine, learning to understand and identify their many progressions and regressions. Eventually a lifetime of loving and learning with her children guided her to a remarkable new tool; neurofeedback. Now that she had discovered this effective answer she continued her education, becoming a certified technician and has dedicated herself to teaching what took her so much trial and error to learn. Using a unique combination of play therapy, neurofeedback and family dynamics counseling Lynette travels the globe helping parents become experts in their families healing.

While there are many books out there on autism, “MIRACLES ARE MADE” is the only one that offers historical understanding, personal triumph, enlightenment on the incongruence of present day approaches and concrete autism answers.

In order to share what she has learned Lynette chose a user friendly fashion and broke the book down into two sections. The first section is her personal journey shared with surprising honesty and humor. Lynette struggled in her attempts to understand and heal the family while simultaneously trying to pay the bills. Singing and doing comedy on stage turned out to be the best way to feed her family while she learned to see the hilarity of her situation. She shares this humor in the pages of her book even as she shares the frustrations of her journey.

The second section is more of a resourcer where readers can learn about the science and history of autism as well as the many therapies and diets being used around the globe. Lynette explores with the reader in detail the history of how these therapies and diets came to be, what she has learned works, and why.

The official release date for “MIRACLES ARE MADE: A Real Life Guide to Autism” was April 2, 2011 (Global Autism Awareness Day). Copies have been made available for press, book reviewers and ‘folks in the know’ at their request. Please visit to view the book or visit Robert D. Reed Publishers at to read glowing testimonials from doctors, authors, neuropsychologists, parents etc. in the worlds of neuro-science and autism. For your complimentary copy contact Lynette Louise directly.

Contact: Lynette Louise: (713)-213-7682


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